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During a SUM run you want to check if the phase SHADOW_IMPORT_INC is still running properly. Where can you find information about this?There are 2 correct answers to this question.Response
A. Check for running batch jobs in the shadow system via Job Overview (SM37
B. Check for running R3trans processes on the host of the primary application server
C. Check for running R31oad processes on the host of the primary application server
D. Check for the latest log files in the SUM directory, subdirectory ABAP, subdirectory tmp
During the configuration of the DMO for SUM, how does the tool behave if option "Do not compare table contents" is selected regarding table comparison?Please choose the correct answer.Response:
A. It performs a comparison on selected tables using check sum.
B. It performs a comparison on all tables using row counts.
C. It performs a comparison of all tables using check sum.
D. It does NOT perform any table comparison.
You performed a custom code check for an SAP S/4HANA conversion. In which transactions can you review the results?There are 2 correct answers to this question.Response:
A. SYCM (Simplification Database Content)
B. SAT (Runtime Analysis)
C. ATC (ABAP Test Cockpit)
D. SE80 (Object Navigator)
You downloaded content from the SAP note 1000009 ("ASU Toolbox 2008"). Which transaction needs to be executed to use that content in the ASU Toolbox?Please choose the correct answer.Response:
A. /ASU/UPGRADE (Start ASU Toolbox in Upgrade Mode)
B. /ASU/SSM (ASU Simple Schedule Manager)
C. /ASU/SHOW_NOTE (Show SAP Note via Web-Browser)
D. /ASU/START (Start ASU Toolbox)