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Microsoft AZ-120 Exam Dumps

Planning and Administering Microsoft Azure for SAP Workloads

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Total Questions : 228
Update Date : October 01, 2024
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Microsoft AZ-120 Sample Questions

Question # 1

You need to recommend a solution to reduce the cost of the SAP non-production landscapes after the migration.What should you include in the recommendation?

A. Deallocate virtual machines when not In use.
B. Migrate the SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Data Warehouse.
C. Configure scaling of Azure App Service
D. Deploy non-production landscapes to Azure Devlest Labs.

Question # 2

You are evaluating which migration method Litware can implement based on the current environment and the business goals.Which migration method will cause the least amount of downtime?

A. Use the Database migration Option (DMO) to migrate to SAP HANA and Azure During the same maintenance window.
B. Use Near-Zero Downtime (NZDT) to migrate to SAP HANA and Azure during the same maintenance window.
C. Migrate SAP to Azure, and then migrate SAP ECC to SAP Business Suite on HANA.
D. Migrate SAP ECC to SAP Business Suite on HANA an the migrate SAP to Azure. 

Question # 3

Litware is evaluating whether to add high availability after the migration?What should you recommend to meet the technical requirements? 

A. SAP HANA system replication and Azure Availability Sets
B. Azure virtual machine auto-restart with SAP HANA service auto-restart
C. Azure Site Recovery

Question # 4

You are evaluating the migration plan.Licensing for which SAP product can be affected by changing the size of the virtual machines?

A. SAP Solution Manager
B. PI 

Question # 5

What should you use to perform load testing as part of the migration plan?

A. JMeter
B. SAP LoadRunner by Micro Focus
C. Azure Application Insights
D. Azure Monitor