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Microsoft MB-210 Exam Dumps

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales

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Microsoft MB-210 Sample Questions

Question # 1

You need to create a chart for the athletic director.What should you do?

A. Use purchaser, markup, and margin on the X-axis. Use amount of sales on the Y-axis.
B. Use the ticket type as the X-axis. Use amount of sales on the Y-axis
C. Use the ticket type on the X-axis. Use margins multiplied by cost on Y-axis
D. Use discount price on the X-axis. Use the number of tickets for groups on the Y-axis.

Question # 2

You need to increase efficiency and consistency for ticket sales to meet company requirements.What should you create?

A. a Microsoft Flow workflow
B. a playbook
C. a Lifecycle Services (LCS) package

Question # 3

You need to identify new customer pending sales.What should you do?

A. Create status reasons in the solution and associate them with Open status
B. Add statuses for all the pending sales stages
C. Set all new leads to a default status of Qualified
D. Configure the solution to automatically convert leads to opportunities

Question # 4

You need to configure a phone call activity for the dean.To which value should you set the value of the Call With field?

A. contact name
B. stakeholder
C. record owner
D. dean

Question # 5

You need to configure pricing for the Contoso, Ltd. invoice.What should you do?

A. Set the Invoice Product to Override Price
B. Set the Invoice Product to Use Default
C. Configure an end date for the price list

Question # 6

You need to implement dashboards.Which URL should you use?

A. https://bellowscollege.crm.dynamics.com
B. http://bellowscollege.crm.dynamics.com
C. https://bellowscollege.dynamics.com
D. https://crm.bellowscollege.dynamics.com

Question # 7

You need to resolve the sales manager's issue regarding private box customers. What should you do?

A. Convert all incoming phone calls to leads.
B. Convert the sales manager's emails lo opportunities.
C. Convert the sales manager's emails to leads.
D. Convert the dean's phone call to an opportunity.

Question # 8

You need to determine the cause of the error for approved quotes.Why does the error occur?

A. The quote has been deleted.
B. The opportunity is m Active state.
C. The quote template is in Active mode.
D. The quote is in Active state.

Question # 9

You need to determine which fields are required when opportunities are marked as lost.Which fields are required?

A. Status and Stakeholders
B. Status and Contact
C. Status Reason and Competitor
D. Status Reason and Description

Question # 10

You need to resolve the issue UserA is experiencing.Where should you add UserA?

A. Team
B. Field Security Profile
C. Office 365 group
D. Business Unit

Question # 11

You need to ensure that sales numbers reflect the accounting calendar.What should you configure?

A. Rollup Queries
B. Business Closures
C. Sales Territories
D. Fiscal Year Settings

Question # 12

You need to determine how notes and attachments are handled in converted leads.How are they handled?

A. moved to the account after the lead is qualified
B. deleted after the lead is qualified
C. stay with the inactive lead after the opportunity is qualified
D. automatically moved to the opportunity after the lead is qualified

Question # 13

You need to create the required number of orders for ClientA.How many orders should you create?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 7

Question # 14

You need to configure the system to handle all ticket sales.What should you configure?

A. Discount Lists
B. Product Bundles
C. Product Catalog Settings
D. Goals

Question # 15

You need to make the appropriate change to the system to ensure that statistics are correct in time for each manager/salesperson meeting.What should you do?

A. Create a workflow for the Goals entity
B. In the Goals section of App Settings, select Actuals
C. In the Business Management section of Settings, configure Goal Metrics
D. In the Goals Settings section of App Settings, select Rollup recurrence

Question # 16

You need to determine the cause of the issue with desktop users and business cards.What is the cause of the issue?

A. The Al Builder Business Card control needs to be configured for the field on the form.
B. The field needs to be added to the form.
C. A business rule needs to be set up to show the field.
D. The users do not have the appropriate permissions.
E. Show image on the form is not selected in Form Properties.

Question # 17

You need to configure the system for all the large quantity pricing requirements.What should you do?

A. Create a workflow for price list
B. Create a quote with a write-in product
C. Create an opportunity.
D. Create a product catalog

Question # 18

You need to choose where to enter the other show names in the system. Where should you add the shows?

A. Product
B. Accounts
C. Contacts
D. Competitor