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You need to recommend a solution to resolve the issues reported with the company’s legacy systems. Which functionality should you recommend?
A. Vendor groups
B. Financial dimensions
C. Vendor posting profile
D. Invoice-to account
You need to manage the roles and responsibilities tor security and financial management to address concerns found in the prior year's audit. What should you do?
A. Use security roles with segregation of duties.
B. Implement a security group for all users in finance department.
C. Use security roles with audit workbench.
D. Grant multiple security roles per user.
You need to recommend an appropriate implementation methodology. Which methodology should you recommend?
A. Spiral
B. Lean
C. Waterfall
D. Agile
You need to recommend a solution for the business process testing plan. What should you recommend?
A. LCS Business process library
B. SysTest framework
C. Chain test cases
D. Derived test cases
You need to recommend a toolset to assist with User3 s feedback about the issues with journal entry and new user training. What should you recommend?
A. RSAT tool with LCS
B. Task Recorder with RSAT
C. Task Recorder with BPM library
D. RSAT tool with Asset library
You need to recommend a purchasing process based on the requirements. Which three system capabilities should you recommend? Each correct answer presents part of the solution. NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.
A. procurement categories
B. signing limits
C. workflow
D. purchasing policies
E. security roles
You need to recommend a solution to send notifications to club members and nonmembers. What should you recommend?
A. Use Dynamics 365 Commerce.
B. Use Microsoft Outlook to send emails.
C. Implement alerts.
D. Use Power Bl to generate reports.
E. Implement Dynamics 365 Customer Service SMS integration.
You need to recommend a solution to manage the wine bottle label requirements for the private brand. What should you recommend?
A. Use an add-on solution for barcode and label report printing.
B. Create notes on the item and print for the customers.
C. Implement Advanced Warehouse label printing.
D. Recommend Dynamics 365 Retail.
You need to recommend the appropriate number of production instances and the hosting location. What should you recommend?
A. One production instance in China.
B. Two on-premises production instances hosted in both China and the United States.
C. One on-premises production instance hosted in United States and one cloud production instance hosted in China.
D. Two production instances hosted in China and the United States.
E. One production instance hosted in the United States.
You need to recommend a solution tor tracking business process test steps. What should you recommend?
A. Microsoft Azure DevOps
B. Data Migration Framework
C. Selenium Automation Framework
D. Microsoft SharePoint
You need to create a plan that meets the following requirements: • Migrate the data to the new system. • Implement a standardized method for creating items. • Prevent items from being created in different ways going forward. Which two actions should you recommend? Each correct answer presents a complete answer. NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.
A. Migrate item data in the cutover plan after the annual updates of items,
B. Suggest creating a Power Bl report to identify like-items after migration.
C. Migrate items in the cutover plan before the annual update of items.
D. Suggest a Master Data Management team who standardizes the item master.
E. Migrate existing items as-is.