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ITIL ITIL-4-Foundation Exam Dumps

ITIL 4 Foundation Exam

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ITIL ITIL-4-Foundation Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which is a key requirement for a successful service level agreement? 

A. It should be written in legal language
B. It should be simply written and easy to understand
C. It should be based on the service provider’s view of the service
D. It should relate to simple operational metrics

Question # 2

Identify the missing word in the following sentence. A service is a means of enabling value co-creation by facilitating outcomes that customers want to achieve, without the customer having to manage specific [?] and risks. 

A. information
B. utility
C. warranty
D. costs

Question # 3

Which practice updates information relating to symptoms and business impact?

A. Service level management
B. Change control
C. Service request management
D. Incident management

Question # 4

Which guiding principle recommends using the minimum number of steps necessary to achieve an objective? 

A. Progress iteratively with feedback
B. Think and work holistically
C. Keep it simple and practical
D. Focus on value

Question # 5

Which is a key consideration for the guiding principle 'keep it simple and practical'? 

A. Try to create a solution for every exception
B. Start with a complex solution, then simplify
C. Understand how each element contributes to value creation
D. Ignore the conflicting objectives of different stakeholders

Question # 6

Which describes a standard change?

A. A high-risk change that needs very thorough assessment
B. A change that is typically implemented as a service request
C. A change that must be implemented as soon as possible
D. A change that needs to be scheduled, assessed and authorized following a defined process

Question # 7

Which statement about emergency changes is CORRECT?

A. The testing of emergency can be eliminated in order to implement the change quickly
B. The assessment and authorization of emergency changes is expedited to ensure they can be implemented quickly
C. Emergency changes should be authorized and implemented as service requests
D. Emergency changes must be fully documented before authorization and implementation

Question # 8

Which skill is an essential part of the 'service level management' practice?

A. Problem analysis
B. Technical knowledge
C. Listening
D. Diagnosis

Question # 9

When should a change request be submitted to resolve a problem? 

A. As soon as a solution for the problem has been identified
B. As soon as a workaround for the problem has been identified
C. As soon as the analysis of the frequency and impact of incidents justifies the change
D. As soon as the analysis of cost, risks and benefits justifies the change

Question # 10

Which is a purpose of the 'engage' value chain activity? 

A. Meeting expectations for quality, costs and time-to-market
B. Ensuring the continual improvement of services
C. Ensuring that the organization's vision is understood 
D. Providing transparency and good relationships

Question # 11

What are the three phases of 'problem management'?

A. Problem identification, problem control, error control
B. Problem analysis, error identification, incident resolution
C. Problem logging, problem classification, problem resolution
D. Incident management, problem management, change control

Question # 12

Which guiding principle helps to ensure that better information is available for decision making?

A. Keep it simple and practical
B. Collaborate and promote visibility
C. Optimize and automate
D. Think and work holistically

Question # 13

What are ’engage’, ‘plan’ and ‘improve’ examples of?

A. Service value chain activities
B. Service level management
C. Service value chain inputs
D. Change control

Question # 14

What is a means of enabling value co-creation by facilitating outcomes that customers want to achieve, without the customer having to manage specific costs and risks?

A. Service management
B. Continual improvement
C. A service
D. An IT asset

Question # 15

Which stakeholders co-create value in a service relationship?

A. Investor and consumer
B. Investor and supplier
C. Consumer and provider
D. Provider and supplier

Question # 16

Which statement about outcomes is CORRECT?

A. An outcome can be enabled by more than one output
B. Outcomes are how the service performs
C. An output can be enabled by one or more outcomes
D. An outcome is a tangible or intangible activity

Question # 17

Which describes a set of defined steps for implementing improvements? 

A. The ‘improve’ value chain activity  
B. The ‘continual improvement register’
C. The ‘continual improvement model’
D. The ‘engage’ value chain activity

Question # 18

Which is a service request?

A. Requesting a workaround for an issue
B. Requesting information about how to create a document
C. Requesting an enhancement to an application
D. Requesting investigation of a degraded service

Question # 19

What should be done to determine the appropriate metrics for measuring a new service? 

A. Measuring the performance over the first six months, and basing a solution on the results
B. Asking customers to provide numerical targets that meet their needs
C. Using operational data to provide detailed service reports
D. Asking customers open questions to establish their requirements

Question # 20

Which guiding principle recommends standardizing and streamlining manual tasks? 

A. Optimize and automate
B. Collaborate and promote visibility
C. Focus on value
D. Think and work holistically

Question # 21

How does information about problems and known errors contribute to 'incident management'?

A. It enables the reassessment of known erros
B. It enables quick and efficient diagnosis of incidents
C. It removes the need for collaboration during incident resolution
D. It removes the need for regular customer updates

Question # 22

Which practice has a purpose to support the quality of the service by handling all agreed user initiated service requests?

A. Change control
B. IT asset management
C. Service desk
D. Service request management

Question # 23

Which guiding principle recommends coordinating all dimensions of service management?

A. Start where you are
B. Think and work holistically
C. Keep it simple and practical
D. Progress iteratively with feedback

Question # 24

Which of the following can be used to access service desks?

A. Phone calls
B. All of the above
C. Text and social media messaging
D. Email

Question # 25

Which practice uses techniques such as SWOT analysis, balanced scorecard reviews, and maturity assessments?

A. Incident management
B. Continual improvement
C. Service request management
D. Problem management

Question # 26

What is an IT asset?

A. The removal of anything that could have a direct or indirect effect on services
B. Any component that needs to be managed in order to deliver a service
C. A request from a user that initiates a service action
D. Any financially valuable component that can contribute to delivery of an IT product or service

Question # 27

How does a service consumer contribute to the reduction of disk? 

A. By paying for the service
B. By managing server hardware
C. By communicating constraints
D. By managing staff availability