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A second set of traffic selectors is negotiated between two peers using IKEv2. Which IKEv2 packet will contain details of the exchange?
On a FlexVPN hub-and-spoke topology where spoke-to-spoke tunnels are not allowed, which command is needed for the hub to be able to terminate FlexVPN tunnels?
A. interface virtual-access
B. ip nhrp redirect
C. interface tunnel
D. interface virtual-template
Which statement about GETVPN is true?
A. The configuration that defines which traffic to encrypt originates from the key server.
B. TEK rekeys can be load-balanced between two key servers operating in COOP.
C. The pseudotime that is used for replay checking is synchronized via NTP.
D. Group members must acknowledge all KEK and TEK rekeys, regardless of configuration.
Which two changes must be made in order to migrate from DMVPN Phase 2 to Phase 3 when EIGRP is configured? (Choose two.)
A. Add NHRP shortcuts on the hub.
B. Add NHRP redirects on the spoke.
C. Disable EIGRP next-hop-self on the hub.
D. Enable EIGRP next-hop-self on the hub.
E. Add NHRP redirects on the hub.
Which two parameters help to map a VPN session to a tunnel group without using the tunnel-group list? (Choose two.)
A. group-alias
B. certificate map
C. optimal gateway selection
D. group-url
E. AnyConnect client version
Which method dynamically installs the network routes for remote tunnel endpoints?
A. policy-based routing
C. reverse route injection
D. route filtering
Which command identifies a Cisco AnyConnect profile that was uploaded to the flash of an IOS router?
A. svc import profile SSL_profile flash:simos-profile.xml
B. anyconnect profile SSL_profile flash:simos-profile.xml
C. crypto vpn anyconnect profile SSL_profile flash:simos-profile.xml
D. webvpn import profile SSL_profile flash:simos-profile.xml
Which two types of web resources or protocols are enabled by default on the Cisco ASA Clientless SSL VPN portal? (Choose two.)
B. ICA (Citrix)
Which configuration construct must be used in a FlexVPN tunnel?
A. EAP configuration
B. multipoint GRE tunnel interface
C. IKEv1 policy
D. IKEv2 profile