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Which alarm setting is configured to monitor serious events that affect but do not shutdown, the operation of a network function?
A. Minor
B. Major
C. Medium
D. Critical
Which SD-WAN component is configured to enforce a policy to redirect branch-to-branchtraffic toward a network service such as a firewall or IPS?
A. vBond
B. WAN Edge
C. vSmart
D. Firewall
Which component of the Cisco SD-WAN architecture oversees the control plane of overlaynetwork to establish, adjust, and maintain the connections between the WAN Edge devicesthat form the Cisco SD-WAN fabric?
B. vManage
C. vSmart
D. vBond
In a Cisco SD-WAN network, which component is responsible for distributing route andpolicy information via the OMP?
A. vManage
B. vSmart Controler
C. vBond Orchestrator
D. WAN Edge Router
An engineer is adding a tenant with location ID 399533345 in vManage. What is themaximum number of alphanumeric characters that is accepted in the tenant name filed?
A. 64
B. 128
C. 256
D. 8
Which two image formats are supported for controller codes? (Choose two.)
A. .nxos
B. .qcow2
C. .ova
D. .bin
E. Tgz
Which two requirements must be met for DNS inspection when integrating with ciscoumbrella? (Choose two)
A. Upload the WAN Edge serial allow list to the Umbrella portal.
B. Attach security policy to the device template.
C. Configure the Umbrella token on the vManage
D. Create and attach a System feature template with the Umbrella registration credentials.
E. Register and configure the vManage public IP and serial number in the Umbrella portal.
Which type of route advertisement of OMP can be verified?
A. OMP, VPN. and origin
B. Origin, TLOC, and VPN
C. Origin, TLOC, and service
D. OMP, TLOC and service
Which logs verify when a device was upgraded?
A. Audit
B. Email