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You change the title of a Crystal Reports object using the Central Management Console.Where is this change reflected?
A. In the report file stored on the Input File Repository Server
B. In the log file of the Crystal Reports Processing Server
C. On the Central Management Server system database
D. In the report file stored in the Business Intelligence Archive Resource file
A user views a page in a Crystal report that exists on a cache server. Which server receives the page from the cache server?Please choose the correct answer.Response:
A. Crystal Reports Processing Server
B. Input File Repository Server
C. Output File Repository Server
D. Web Application Server
Which server processes dynamic recipient lists for publications?
A. Crystal Reports Processing Server
B. Report Application Server
C. Output File Repository Server
D. Adaptive Processing Server
Which of the following rights are granted on the predefined access level "Schedule"?Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Delete instances that the user owns.
B. View document instances.
C. Refresh the report's data.
D. Modify the rights users have to objects.
E. Copy objects to another folder.
Which of the following components are used to authenticate a user logging into the BI Launchpad?Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.Response:
A. Server Intelligence Agent
B. Web Application Server
C. Central Management Server
D. Auditing Data Store