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Salesforce ADM-201 Exam Dumps

Salesforce Certified Administrator (SP24)

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Update Date : December 01, 2024
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Salesforce ADM-201 Sample Questions

Question # 1

Cloud Kicks need to be able to show different picklist values for sales and marketing users.Which two options will meet this requirement?Choose 2 answers

A. One page layout, two record types, one picklist 
B. Two page layouts, one record type, two picklists 
C. Two permission sets, one record type, one picklist 
D. One record type, two profiles, one picklist 

Question # 2

Dreamhouse Realty agents are double-booking open house event nights. The evetmanagerwants to event submission process to help agents fill in event details and request dates.How should an administrator accomplishthe request?

A. Create a workflow role to update the Event Date Field. 
B. Create an approval process on the Campaign object. 
C. Create a sharing rule so that other agents can view events. 
D. Create a campaign for agents to request event dates. 

Question # 3

Universal Containers (UC) customers have provided feedback that their support cases arenot beingresponded to quickly enough. UC wants to send all unassigned Cases that have been openfor morethan2 hours to an urgent Case queue and alert the support manager.which feature should an administrator configure to meet this requirement?

A. Case Scheduled Reports. 
B. Case Dashboard Refreshes. 
C. Case Escalation Rules. 
D. Case Assignment Rules. 

Question # 4

Ursa Major Solar is noticing a decrease in deals with a cross-sell opportunity type andwantsto share all cross-sell opportunities with a team ofsubject matter experts in theirorganisation. Thecompany has different roles, and the organisation wide default opportunity is set to private.How should the administrator accomplish this?

A. Add the subject matter experts to a public group and give themaccess to records with acriteriabased sharing rule. 
B. Change the organisation-wide default for opportunity from private to public Read/Writeto open up access for subject matter experts. 
C. Enable territory management, assign the subject matter experts to the same territory,and give them access to the records with manual sharing. 
D. Create a new role for the subject matter experts and give them access to the recordswith the owner-based sharing rule 

Question # 5

Support agent at Cloud Kicks are spending too much time finding resources to solve cases.The agentsneed a more efficient way to find documentation and similar cases from theCase pagelayout.How should an administrator meet this requirement?

A. Create a custom object to capture popular case resolutions. 
B. Use an interview flow to capture Case details. 
C. Direct users to Global Search to look for similar cases. 
D. Configure Knowledge with articles and data categories. 

Question # 6

DreamHouse Reality needs to use consistentpicklist value on a category filed on accountsand cases, with value respective to record types.Which two features should the administrator use to fulfill this requirement?Choose 2 Answers

A. Dependent Picklist 
B. Global Picklist 
C. Multi-Select Picklist 
D. Custom Picklist 

Question # 7

The administrator at Clod Kicks updated the custom object Event to include a lookup fieldto theprimary contact for the event. When running anevent report, They want to reference fieldsfrom theassociated contact record.What should the administrator do to pull contact fields into the Custom report?

A. Configure formula fields on event to populate contact information 
B. Edit the custom Eventreport type and add fields related via lookup. 
C. Create a new report type with event as the primary object and Contact as a relatedobject. 
D. Use a dashboard with filters to show Event and Contact data as requested. 

Question # 8

An Administrator wants to trigger a follow-up task for the opportunity owner when theyclose anopportunity as won and another task after 60 days to check in with the customer.which two automation tools should the administrator use?Choose 2 answers

A. process builder 
B. workflow Rule 
C. Field Update 
D. Outbound Message 

Question # 9

Cloud Kicks has a custom object called Shipments. The Company wants to see all theshipment items from an Account page. When an Account is deleted,the shipments shouldremain.What type of relationship should the administrator make between Shipments and Account?

A. Shipments should have a lookup to Account. 
B. Accounts should have a lookup to Shipments. 
C. Shipments should have a master-detail to Accounts. 
D. Accounts should have a master-detail to Shipments. 

Question # 10

A sales rep at Ursa Major Solar has launched a series of networking events. They arehostingone event per month and want to be able to report on campaign ROI by month and series.How should theadministrator set up the Campaign to simplify reporting?

A. Add different record types for the monthly event types. 
B. Create individual Campaigns that all have the same name. 
C. Configure campaign Member Statuses to record which event members attended. 
D. Use Campaign Hierarchy where the monthly events roll up to a parent Campaign