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Microsoft AZ-305 Exam Dumps

Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions

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Update Date : December 01, 2024
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Microsoft AZ-305 Sample Questions

Question # 1

You plan to migrate App1 to Azure. The solution must meet the authentication and authorization requirements.Which type of endpoint should App1 use to obtain an access token?

A. Azure Instance Metadata Service (IMDS)
B. Azure AD
C. Azure Service Management
D. Microsoft identity platform

Question # 2

You migrate App1 to Azure. You need to ensure that the data storage for App1 meets the security and compliance requirementWhat should you do?

A. Create an access policy for the blob
B. Modify the access level of the blob service.
C. Implement Azure resource locks.
D. Create Azure RBAC assignments.

Question # 3

You plan to migrate App1 to Azure.You need to recommend a network connectivity solution for the Azure Storage account that will host the App1 data. The solution must meet the security and compliance requirements.What should you include in the recommendation?

A. a private endpoint
B. a service endpoint that has a service endpoint policy
C. Azure public peering for an ExpressRoute circuit
D. Microsoft peering for an ExpressRoute circuit

Question # 4

You need to implement the Azure RBAC role assignments for the Network Contributor role. The solution must meet the authentication and authorization requirements.What is the minimum number of assignments that you must use? 

A. 1
B. 2
C. 5
D. 10
E. 15

Question # 5

You need to recommend a data storage strategy for WebApp1.What should you include in in the recommendation?

A. an Azure SQL Database elastic pool
B. a vCore-based Azure SQL database
C. an Azure virtual machine that runs SQL Server
D. a fixed-size DTU AzureSQL database.

Question # 6

You need to recommend a notification solution for the IT Support distribution group.What should you include in the recommendation?

A. Azure Network Watcher
B. an action group
C. a SendGrid account with advanced reporting
D. Azure AD Connect Health

Question # 7

You need to recommend a strategy for migrating the database content of WebApp1 to Azure. What should you include in the recommendation?

A. Use Azure Site Recovery to replicate the SQL servers to Azure.
B. Use SQL Server transactional replication.
C. Copy the BACPAC file that contains the Azure SQL database file to Azure Blob storage.
D. Copy the VHD that contains the Azure SQL database files to Azure Blob storage

Question # 8

You need to recommend a strategy for the web tier of WebApp1. The solution must minimize What should you recommend?

A. Create a runbook that resizes virtual machines automatically to a smaller size outside of business hours.
B. Configure the Scale Up settings for a web app.
C. Deploy a virtual machine scale set that scales out on a 75 percent CPU threshold.
D. Configure the Scale Out settings for a web app.

Question # 9

What should you include in the identity management strategy to support the planned changes?

A. Move all the domain controllers from corp.fabrikam.com to virtual networks in Azure.
B. Deploy domain controllers for corp.fabrikam.com to virtual networks in Azure.
C. Deploy a new Azure AD tenant for the authentication of new R&D projects.
D. Deploy domain controllers for the rd.fabrikam.com forest to virtual networks in Azure.

Question # 10

You need to recommend a solution to meet the database retention requirement. What should you recommend?

A. Configure a long-term retention policy for the database.
B. Configure Azure Site Recovery.
C. Configure geo replication of the database.
D. Use automatic Azure SQL Database backups.

Question # 11

You need to recommend a solution that meets the data requirements for App1.What should you recommend deploying to each availability zone that contains an instance of App1?

A. an Azure Cosmos DB that uses multi-region writes
B. an Azure Storage account that uses geo-zone-redundant storage (GZRS)
C. an Azure Data Lake store that uses geo-zone-redundant storage (GZRS)
D. an Azure SQL database that uses active geo-replication

Question # 12

You need to recommend an App Service architecture that meets the requirements for Appl. The solution must minimize costs.What should few recommend?

A. one App Service Environment (ASE) per availability zone
B. one App Service plan per availability zone
C. one App Service plan per region
D. one App Service Environment (ASE) per region

Question # 13

You need to recommend a solution that meets the data requirements for App1.What should you recommend deploying to each availability zone that contains an instance of App1?

Question # 14

What should you recommend lo meet the monitoring requirements for App2?

A. Azure Application Insights 
B. Container insights 
C. Microsoft Sentinel 
D. VM insights 

Question # 15

You need to recommend a solution that meets the application development requirements. What should you include in the recommendation? 

A. an Azure Container Registry instance 
B. deployment slots 
C. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) sources 
D. the Azure App Configuration service