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PRINCE2 Prince2-Foundation Exam Dumps

PRINCE2 7 Foundation written Exam

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Total Questions : 296
Update Date : October 01, 2024
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PRINCE2 Prince2-Foundation Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which statement is FALSE?

A. A project outcome perceived to be negative by one or more stakeholders is a dis-benefit
B. A project's output is any of the project's specialist products
C. A project benefit is only realized after the project has closed
D. A project outcome is the resultof the change derived from using the project's outputs 

Question # 2

Why is the Initiating a Project process used?

A. To decide which project approach is suitable for the project
B. To fully understand how the project objectives will be achieved before committing significant resources
C. To produce the required Work Packages
D. To enable corporate or programme management to give authorization to deliver a project

Question # 3

Which statement about the Directing a Project process is FALSE?

A. Supports the PRINCE2 principle of manage by exception
B. Is triggered by a request to initiate a project
C. Covers the day-to-day activities of the Project Manager
D. Provides a mechanism for the Project Board to assure that there is continued business justification 

Question # 4

Which risk response type is appropriate to respond to an opportunity?

A. Accept
B. Fallback
C. Exploit
D. Transfer

Question # 5

Which of the following statements about the Closing a Project process are true?  1. The Closing a Project process provides a fixed point for the receipt of completed Work Packages for the work performed in the final stage. 2. The Closing a Project process provides a fixed point to review if the objectives set out in the original Project Initiation Documentation have been achieved. Packages for the work performed in the final stage.

A. Only 1 is true
B. Only 2 is true
C. Both 1 and 2 aretrue
D. Neither 1 or 2 are true

Question # 6

Which should be funded by a change budget?

A. Increase in agreed scope
B. Initiation stage
C. Change Authority
D. Handover activities

Question # 7

Which is a task of product-based planning?

A. Design the plan
B. Create the product flow diagram
C. Analyze the risks
D. Prepare the schedule

Question # 8

Which is the purpose of the Change theme?

A. Prevent change to baselined products
B. Identify, assess and control any potential and approved changes to baselined products
C. Establish mechanisms to monitor and compare actual achievements against those planned
D. Assess and control uncertainty

Question # 9

Which regular report provides the Project Board with a summary of stage status?

A. Communication Management Strategy
B. Project Brief
C. Highlight Report
D. Checkpoint Report

Question # 10

Which is part of the PRINCE2 definition of a project?

A. An undertaking that consists of at least two management stages
B. A description of what must be delivered in order to gain acceptance
C. The total of a plan's products
D. A temporary organization that is created for the purpose of deliveringbusiness products 

Question # 11

Which of the following is NOT a purpose of the Closing a Project process?

A. Plan the activities required to close a project
B. Enable a comparison of the original objectives of a project against what was actually achieved
C. Enable premature closureif the Project Board request that a project should no longer continue
D. Provide a fixed point at which acceptance for the project product is confirmed 

Question # 12

What is the first task of product-based planning?

A. Produce the Initiation Stage Plan
B. Write the Project Product Description
C. Identify dependencies
D. Create the product breakdown structure

Question # 13

Which is NOT a purpose of the Organization theme?

A. Define a projectmanagement team structure
B. Define the level of tolerance for each level of the project management team
C. Define the Project Board's responsibility for directing the project
D. Define which role is accountable for the project's success 

Question # 14

Which principle helps to define what should be included and what should be excluded from a project?

A. Defined roles and responsibilities
B. Focus on products
C. Manage by stages
D. Continued business justification

Question # 15

Who is the key project decision-maker in the project management team?

A. Corporate management
B. Executive
C. Change Authority
D. Project Manager