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Oracle 1z0-133 Exam Dumps

Oracle WebLogic Server 12c: Administration I

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Total Questions : 127
Update Date : October 01, 2024
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Oracle 1z0-133 Sample Questions

Question # 1

A web application is configured for in-memory replication and is deployed to a cluster. Thiscluster is distributed across two buildings on a university campus. For performancereasons, you require that session replication occur within the building whenever possible.How do you implement this requirement?

A. Disable the dynamic server list in the proxy plug-in.
B. Configure the cluster to use multicast communication.
C. Configure the application’s cookies parameters.
D. Configure each server’s replication group.

Question # 2

The Administration Server of a domain fails due to a hardware failure. The hardware isbeyond repair.Before the failure you prepared a “backup admin server”. You go through your plannedrecovery process and are successful. The Administration Server is now running on differenthardware. The managed servers of the domain automatically reconnect to the adminserver.Select the two statements that are true. (Choose two.)

A. Files of deployed applications are available to the backup admin server from the samerelative location as they were to the original admin server.
B. At the time of the failure, the backup admin server was running in “Standby” mode ondifferent hardware in the same network.
C. When the admin server failed, you must have shut down and restarted the managedservers, otherwise they could not have reconnected to the failed admin server.
D. The backup admin server is any one of the running managed servers. You select one ofthe managed servers, stop it, set its “administration” flag, and restart it as the admin serverof the domain.
E. The backup admin server must be running at the same DNS name or IP address as theoriginal.

Question # 3

Which three statements about patching WebLogic Server (WLS) by using OPatch are true?(Choose three.)

A. Each patch comes with a “read me” file containing installation instructions.
B. You can use OPatch to see which patches are currently applied to WebLogic Server.
C. OPatch is a GUI tool and requires the operating system to have a window manager.
D. OPatch requires a JDK to run.
E. After installing WLS, you download the OPatch utility from Oracle Support.
F. Each patch ZIP file comes with the OPatch utility.

Question # 4

You want to restart a failed stand-alone managed server. Select the two true statements.(Choose two.)

A. Before restarting a failed managed server you must always first use operating systemcommands to kill its old process.
B. The managed server can automatically be restarted on new hardware if server migrationhas been properly set up.
C. If the managed server was started by Node Manager, then Node Manager can be set toautomatically restart the managed server.
D. If the managed server was started by a script, run the script again.

Question # 5

You are carrying out the RDBMS Security Store Configuration using the configurationWizard Which three actions can you perform with the Configuration Wizard during the process?(Choose three.)

A. Create tables in the data store.
B. Execute SQL scripts in WebLogic server’s server/lib directory.
C. Populate the database tables with external LDAP users.
D. Test the connection to a back-end database.
E. Allocate tablespace for the data store.

Question # 6

An application fails. The exception indicates that the JDBC data source cannot be found.Identify two possible steps that you can perform to verify the data source’s availability.(Choose two.)

A. Launch the JDBCDiagnostics utility.
B. Verify the Dependencies attribute of the data source.
C. View the target server’s JNDI tree in the console.
D. Verify that the application and data source have the same target.