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What of the following can be done by the command ifconfig? (Choose TWO correct answers.)
A. Set a network interface active or inactive.
B. Specify the kernel module to be used with a network interface.
C. Allow regular users to change the network configuration of a network interface.
D. Change the netmask used on a network interface.
E. Specify which network services are available on a network interface
Which of the following commands can be used to locate programs and their corresponding man pages and configuration files?
A. dirname
B. which
C. basename
D. query
E. whereis
Which of the following options for the kernel's command line changes the systemd boot target to rescue.target instead of the default target?
A. systemd.target=rescue.target
B. systemd.runlevel=rescue.target
C. systemd.service=rescue.target
D. systemd.default=rescue.target
E. systemd.unit=rescue.target
What is the output of the following command? echo "Hello World" | tr -d aieou
A. Hello World
B. eoo
C. Hll Wrld
D. eoo Hll Wrld
Which of the following commands can be used to display the inode number of a given file?
A. inode
B. ls
C. ln
D. cp
Which of the following commands will change the quota for a specific user?
A. edquota
B. repquota
C. quota -e
D. quota
Which file lists which users can execute commands using sudo? (Specify the full name of the file, including path.)
When using rpm --verify to check files created during the installation of RPM packages, which ofthe following information is taken into consideration? (Choose THREE correct answers.)
A. Timestamps
B. MD5 checksums
C. Inodes
D. File sizes
E. GnuPG signatures
Which of the following SQL queries counts the number of occurrences for each value of the field order_type in the table orders?
A. SELECT order_type,COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE order_type=order_type;
B. SELECT order_type,COUNT(*) FROM orders GROUP BY order_type;
C. COUNT(SELECT order_type FROM orders);
D. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders ORDER BY order_type;
E. SELECT AUTO_COUNT FROM orders COUNT order_type;
Which of the following keywords can be used in the file /etc/resolv.conf? (Choose TWO correct answers.)
A. substitute
B. nameserver
C. search
D. lookup
E. method
Which of the following is a legacy program provided by CUPS for sending files to the printer queues on the command line?
A. lpd
B. lpp
C. lpq
D. lpr
Creating a hard link to an ordinary file returns an error. What could be the reason for this?
A. The source file is hidden.
B. The source file is read-only.
C. The source file is a shell script.
D. The source file is already a hard link.
E. The source and the target are on different filesystems
Which Bash environment variable defines in which file the user history is stored when exiting a Bash process? (Specify ONLY the variable name.)