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Which two functions are performed by the PFE? (Choose two.)
A. It implements firewall filters.
B. It selects active routes.
C. It forwards transit traffic.
D. It maintains the routing table.
What is a benefit of using J-Web?
A. It simultaneously manages multiple devices.
B. It provides a customizable dashboard.
C. It provides more advanced features than the CLI.
D. It provides console-based management.
You received a new Junos device and are configuring the system-related settings. Youmust configure this device for the current date and time on the US West coast. You haveset the time zone to America/Los_Angeies. however the time and date did not change.In this scenario, which two additional actions would satisfy this requirement? (Choose two.
A. Set the date and time setting manually.
B. Configure an NTP server.
C. Configure a DNS server.
D. Reboot the device.
Which Junos OS component is responsible for maintaining the forwarding table?
A. Routing Engine
B. chassis control daemon
C. Packet Forwarding Engine
D. management daemon
Which statement is correct when multiple users are configuring a Junos device using theconfigure private command?
A. A commit by any user will commit changes made by all active users.
B. A commit will not succeed until there is only a single user in configuration mode.
C. Each user gets their own candidate configuration.
D. Each user shares the same candidate configuration.