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An administrator has received complaints from end-users not receiving consistent email notifications on their iOS devices. Email is configured on the end-users devices using only the VMware Boxer email client. Boxer is only configured from Workspace ONE to use Office 365.What can the administrator do to resolve the inconsistent email notifications?
A. Configure VMware ENS v2 to provide consistent notification experience.
B. Configure SEG v2 to provide a better notification experience.
C. Configure Mobile SSO for VMware Boxer to prevent users from entering credentials.
D. Configure VPN tunnel with a Boxer configuration, so that it is able to connect to the internal network.
What two features of Hub Services can be enabled without enabling Workspace ONE Access and having the authentication mode set to Workspace ONE UEM? (Choose two.)
A. enable SSO for applications
B. enable People Search
C. notifications for iOS and Android
D. Hub Virtual Assistant Chatbot
E. Hub Catalog layout
Which two statements are true about Content Gateway and Tunnel on Unified Access Gateway? (Choose two.)
A. Both can be configured with the same hostname on port 8443.
B. Both can be configured with the same hostname on different ports.
C. Both can be configured on port 8443 with different hostnames.
D. Both can be configured with the same hostname on port 443.
E. Both can be configured on port 443 with different hostnames.
Which three options are supported by Workspace ONE Access? (Choose three.)
A. Configuring Per-App VPN.
B. Configuring conditional access.
C. Configuring network segmentation.
D. Configuring Mobile SSO.
E. Configuring unified application catalog.
F. Configuring encryption.
An administrator requires a report on the chassis type of their Windows desktop devices. The information is currently not showing as a table entry in Workspace ONE Intelligence.What does the administrator need to create to have this information show in Workspace ONE Intelligence?
A. profile
B. product
C. sensor
D. custom attribute