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I would like to extend my WSDL definition to include a programmatically consumable statement that communicates that upon receiving a message the service will add an entry to an event log. Which technology should I use? Select the correct answer.
A. Mashup
D. None of the above.
Which of the following statements is true? Select the correct answer.
A. WS-ReliableMessaging standardizes reliability levels associated with databases required to persist state data.
B. WS-ReliableMessaging standardizes the issuance and delivery of positive and negative acknowledgement messages.
C. WS-ReliableMessaging standardizes SOAP headers related to atomic transactions with rollback features.
D. WS-ReliableMessaging standardizes the expression of service composition logic, but only for SOAP-based Web services.
Which of the following statements is true? Select the correct answer.
A. An enterprise service bus commonly provides service broker-related features that allow two services using different data models (that represent the same business document) to communicate with each other.
B. An enterprise service bus commonly provides service broker-related features that allow two services using different communication protocols to communicate with each other.
C. An enterprise service bus commonly provides service broker-related features that allow two services to communicate even though they use different communication protocols and different data models (that represent the same business document).
D. All of these statements are true.
A __________________ establishes a common access point generally based on HTTP methods used by __________________. Select the correct answer.
A. WSDL definition, SOAP-based Web service
B. uniform contract, REST services
C. XML schemas, components
D. None of the above
When two compatible SOAP-based Web services need to exchange an XML document that is compliant with the XML schema shared by both services, then: Select the correct answer.
A. A data model transformation technology, such as XSLT, must be used to enable the data exchange.
B. A new XML schema must be created to overcome the disparity between how each service defines the data model for the XML document.
C. A WS-Policy definition must be created to establish rules that address any differences in the XML document exchange.
D. None of the above.