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ServiceNow CSA Exam Dumps

ServiceNow Certified System Administrator

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Update Date : December 01, 2024
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ServiceNow CSA Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which tab on the knowledge base record, would you use to identify the sets of users who are able to read articles in that knowledge base?

 A. Access List 
B. Can Access 
C. Accessible to
 D. Can Read 

Question # 2

Which field (or fields) is used as a unique key during imports? 

A. Match Fields 
B. Coalesce Fields
 C. Key Fields 
D. Sys IDs 

Question # 3

Where can Admins check which release is running on an ServiceNow instance? 

A. Memory Stats module 
B. Stats module 
C. System.upgraded table 
D. Transactions log 

Question # 4

What feature do you use to specify which users are able to access a Service Catalog Item? 

A. Can Read Role 
B. Catalog User Role
 C. Can Order Tab 
D. User Criteria 

Question # 5

Which one statement correctly describes Access Control rule evaluation? 

A. Rules are evaluated using roles. The role with the most permissions evaluates the rules first 
B. If more than one rule applies to a row, the older rule is evaluated first 
C. If a row level rule and a field level rule exist, both rules must be true before an operation is allowed 
D. Rules are evaluated from the general to the specific, so a table rule must be active to continue 

Question # 6

Buttons, form links, and context menu items are all examples of what type of functionality?

 A. Business Rule 
B. UI Action 
C. Client Script 
D. UI Policy 

Question # 7

What is a formatter? Select one of the following. 

A. A formatter allows you to configure applications on your instance 
B. A formatter is a form element used to display information that is not a field in the record 
C. A formatter allows you to populate fields automatically 
D. A formatter is a set of conditions applied to a table to help find and work with data 

Question # 8

The display sequence is controlled in a Service Catalog Item using which of the following? 

A. The Default Value field in the Catalog Item form 
B. The Sequence field in the Catalog Item form 
C. The Order field in the Variable form 
D. The Choice field in the Variable form 

Question # 9

Which component of a table contains a piece of data for one record?

A. Factor 
B. Field 
C. Datapoint 
D. Element
 E. Item 

Question # 10

Tables are made up of which of the following? 

A. records 
B. lists 
C. forms. 
D. fields 

Question # 11

Reports can be created from which different places in the platform? (Choose two.) 

A. List column heading 
B. Metrics module 
C. Statistics module 
D. View / Run module 

Question # 12

Which module would you use to create a new automation of business logic such as approvals, tasks, and notifications? 

A. Process Automation > Flow Designer 
B. Process Automation > Flow Administration 
C. Process Automation > Workflow Editor 
D. Process Automation > Process Flow 
E. Process Automation > Active Flows 

Question # 13

Which tool is used to have conversations with logged-in users in real-time? 

A. Connect Chat 
B. Now Messenger 
C. User Presence 
D. Comments

Question # 14

ServiceNow contains a resource which provides the following: A standard and shared set of service related definitions across ServiceNow products and platform that will enable and support true service level reporting. A CMDB framework across our products and platform that will enable and support multiple configuration strategies. What resource do these statements describe? 

A. Common Services Data Model (CSDM) 
B. Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) 
C. Configuration Management Database (CMDB) 
D. Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) 

Question # 15

Which ServiceNow resource is a framework that ensures the data your ServiceNow application requires maps correctly to the appropriate CMDB tables? 

A. Common Service Data Model (CSDM) 
B. Service Mapping Utility (SMU) 
C. Service Schema Map (SSM) 
D. CMDB Class Manager (CMDBCM) 
E. CI Class Manager (CICM) 

Question # 16

What is the purpose of the Event Registry? 

A. The Event Registry lists all Events that have successfully completed within a 24-hour period 
B. The Event Registry is a list of all Events that originate through an integration 
C. The Event Registry is a module that provides Event definitions 
D. The Event Registry is a list of all Events that have successfully completed after being Invoked by a script 

Question # 17

Which of the following protects applications by identifying and restricting access to available files and data? 

A. Application Configuration 
B. Verbose Log 
C. Access Control Rules 
D. Application Scope 

Question # 18

As it relates to ServiceNow reporting, which of the following statements describes what a metric can do? 

A. A metric is a report gauge used on homepages to display real-time data 
B. A metric is a time measurement used to report the effectiveness of workflows and SLAs 
C. A metric is used to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of IT service management processes 
D. A metric is a comparative measurement used to report the effectiveness of workflows and SLAs.