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Under which circumstances is it appropriate to accept the risk of a problem?
A. A vendor is actively investigating the problem.
B. The permanent for will be implemented in a future patch or release.
C. A change request is pending implementation.
D. The permanent fix is too costly and the documented workaround is sufficient.
Which interface needs to be implemented by a Lightning Component so that it may be displayed in modal dialog by clicking a button on a Lightning Record page?
A. force:lightningQuickAction
B. lightning:quickAction
C. lightning:editAction
D. force:lightningEditAction
Which of the following are valid values in the "Action Type" field of the Inbound Email Action? (Choose two.)
A. Update Action
B. New Action
C. Reply Email
D. Forward Email
E. Record Action
Which of the following roles can delete a change?
A. itil
B. change_manager
C. itil_admin
D. None of the listed answers
Which module to use in order to see problem tasks that are assigned to you?
A. Service Desk > My Work
B. Problem > My Problem Tasks
C. Problem > My Tasks
D. Service Desk > My Problem Tasks
Which of the following user feedback actions are stored in kb_feedback table? (Choose all that apply.)
A. Flags
B. Views
C. Helpful (Yes/No)
D. Comments
E. Star Rating
A developer is trying to decide between creating a Visualforce component or a Lightning component for a custom screen.Which functionality consideration impacts the final decision?
A. Does the screen need to be rendered as a PDF?
B. Does the screen need to be accessible from the Lightning Experience UI?
C. Will the screen make use of a JavaScript framework?
D. Will the screen be accessed via a mobile app?
When creating a variable to identify a location for a catalog item to be delivered, the most likely variable typeto choose would be _____________.
A. Select Box
B. Single Line of Text
C. Reference
D. Break
A Knowledge Article can be associated with multiple Knowledge Bases.
A. True
B. False