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When would you recommend integration with a seller during supplier enablement? There are TWO answers for this question.
A. When the buyer needs to receive contract invoices from this supplier
B. When the buyer exchanges more than 500 documents per year with the seller
C. When the supplier requests payments terms of less that 30 days
D. When the buyer places a single annual order of over $1 million with the seller
When do you recommend a PunchOut catalog instead of a static (CIF) catalog? There are THREE answers for this question.
A. When items are from the seller’s existing B2B site
B. When items need to be configurable
C. When items require a workflow before appearing in the catalog
D. When items have volatile pricing
E. When items will contain commonly ordered goods
Which suppliers can you suggest for light enablement?
A. Suppliers who want to automate transactions
B. Suppliers who already transact via the Ariba Network
C. Suppliers whose orders are categorized as tail spend
D. Suppliers who will provide catalogs
During an integration project, what are the customer's responsibilities to the Ariba Network? There are THREE answers for this question.
A. Conduct user acceptance testing
B. Build mapping and ERP customizations
C. Build Ariba Network customizations
D. Install the adapter
E. Complete the architecture review
Which of the following products is developed by SAP Ariba?
A. SAP Business Suite add-on
B. PeopleSoft adapter
C. Open adapter
D. Cloud Integration