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Salesforce PDI Exam Dumps

Platform Developer I (SP24)

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Update Date : November 01, 2024
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Salesforce PDI Sample Questions

Question # 1

What does the Lightning Component framework provide to developers?

A. Extended governor limits for applications 
B. Prebuilt component that can be reused. 
C. Templates to create custom components. 
D. Support for Classic and Lightning UIS. 

Question # 2

In the following example, which sharing context will myMethod execute when it is invoked?

A. Sharing rules will be inherited from the calling context. 
B. Sharing rules Ail be enforced by the instantiating class 
C. Sharing rules Ml be enforced for the running user. 
D. Sharing rules will not be enforced for the running user. 

Question # 3

A developer wants to invoke on outbound message when a record meets a specific criteria.Which three features satisfy this use case?Choose 3 answer

A. Approval Process has the capacity to check the record criteria and send an outboundmessage without Apex Code 
B. Process builder can be used to check the record criteria and send an outboundmessage with Apex Code. 
C. workflows can be used to check the record criteria and send an outbound message. 
D. Process builder can be used to check the record criteria and send an outboundmessagewithout Apex Code. 
E. Visual Workflow can be used to check the record criteria and send an outboundmessage without Apex Code. 

Question # 4

Which three statements are true regarding custom exceptions in Apex? (Choose three.)

A. A custom exception class must extend the system Exception class. 
B. A custom exception class can implement one or many interfaces. 
C. A custom exception class cannot contain member variables or methods. 
D. A custom exception class name must end with “Exception”. 
E. A custom exception class can extend other classes besides the Exception class. 

Question # 5

A team of many developers work in their own individual orgs that have the sameconfiguration at the production org. Which type of org is best suited for this scenario?

A. Developer Sandbox 
B. Developer Edition 
C. Full Sandbox 
D. Partner Developer Edition 

Question # 6

Which code displays the content of Visualforce page as PDF?

A. <apex:page renderAs=”pdf”> 
B. <apex:page readeras’’ application/pdf’’> 
C. <apex:page readerAs= ‘’application/pdf’’> 
D. <apex:page contentype ‘’ application/pdf’’) 

Question # 7

Universal Container use a simple order Management app. On the Order Lines, the orderline total is calculated by multiplying the item price with the quantity ordered. There is aMaster-Detail relationship between the Order and the Order Lines object.What is the practice to get the sum of all order line totals on the order header?

A. Roll-Up Summary Field 
B. Apex Trigger 
C. Process Builder 
D. Declarative Roll-Up Summaries App 

Question # 8

When importing and exporting data into Salesforce, which two statements are true?Choose 2 answers

A. Bulk API can be used to import large data volumes in development environmentswithout bypassing the storage limits. 
B. Bulk API can be used to bypass the storage limits when importing large data volumes indevelopment environments. 
C. Developer and Developer Pro sandboxes have different storage limits. 
D. Data import wizard is a client application provided by Salesforce. 

Question # 9

While writing a test class that covers an OpportunityLineItem trigger, a Developer is unableto create a standard PriceBook since one already exists in the org.How should the Developer overcome this problem?

A. Use Test.getStandardPricebookId() to get the standard PriceBook ID. 
B. Use @IsTest(SeeAllData=true) and delete the existing standard PriceBook. 
C. Use Test.loadData() and a Static Resource to load a standard Pricebook. 
D. Use @TestVisible to allow the test method to see the standard PriceBook. 

Question # 10

A developer needs to save a List of existing Account records named myAccounts to thedatabase, but therecords do not contain Salesforce Id values. Only the value of a custom text fieldconfigured as an External ID with an API name of Foreign_Key__c is known.Which two statements enable the developer to save the records to the database without anId? (Choose two.)

A. Upsert myAccounts Foreign_Key__c; 
B. Upsert myAccounts(Foreign_Key__c); 
C. Database.upsert (myAccounts, Foreign_Key__c); 
D. Database.upsert(myAccounts).Foreign_Key__c; 

Question # 11

A Visual Flow uses an apex Action to provide additional information about multipleContacts, stored in a custom class, contactInfo. Which is the correct definition of the Apexmethod that gets additional information?

A. @InvocableMethod(label='Additional Info') public List<ContactInfo> getInfo(List<Id> contactIds) { /*implementation*/ } 
B. @InvocableMethod(label='additional Info') public static ContactInfo getInfo(Id contactId) { /*implementation*/ } 
C. @invocableMethod(label)='Additional Info') public static List<ContactInfo> getInfo(List<Id> contactIds) { /*Implementation*/ } 
D. @InvocableMethod(Label='additional Info') public ContactInfo(Id contactId) { /*implementation*/ } 

Question # 12

What can used to delete components from production?

A. A change set deployment with the delete option checked 
B. An ant migration tool deployment with destructivechanges xml file and the componentsto delete in the package .xml file 
C. A change set deployment with a destructivechanges XML file 
D. An ant migration tool deployment with a destructivechanges XML file and an emptypackage .xml file