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Lake Tahoe Bank wants to onboard a client digitally and without asking the client forinformation that the bank already has on file. The process has multiple steps and can havebranching (conditional) logic that asks for different information depending on theresponses. Which Salesforce feature should be used for this digital onboarding process?
A. Aclion Plans
B. Financial Goals
C. Actionable Relationship Center
D. Flows
What is a key step in identifying different business processes and outliningencompassingsystem flows based on the existing environment when setting up SalesforceFinancial Services Cloud (FSC)?
A. Creating a new Salesforce instance from scratch for the customer
B. Importing the customer's existing data into Salesforce FSC without any modifications
C. Implementing a generic, one-size-fits-all solution for all customers
D. Conducting a gap analysis between the customer's current processes and SalesforceFSC capabilities
A banking client currently manages its onboarding process manually with paper forms. Tooptimize the process, the client wants to digitize and automate as much as possible. Thebank wants its clients to manage the forms in a portal and leverage e-signaturesforprocessing.Which three steps are needed to document this requirement following the discoverysession?
A. Document the business process flows.
B. Design the solution using the Financial Services Cloud components.
C. Create a visual flow diagram.
D. Understand the journey!for the multiple personas involved in the process.
E. Determine the best e-sigTiature solution to use.
Rachel is the primary member of the Adams household hired a new attorney. What type ofrelationship should the Wealth Advisor create in Financial Services Cloud for Rachel andher attorney before assigning the reciprocal role of "Attorney"?
A. Create an Account-Contact relationship betweenthe Adams Household and the attorney.
B. Create an Account-Account relationship between the Adams Household and theattorney
C. Create a Contact-Contact Relationships between the primary member of the AdamsHousehold and the attorney.
D. Create an Account-Account Relationship between the Addams Family Trust and theattorney.
Lake Tahoe Bank needs to conduct periodic reviews with their customers to review credit &debit card usage, review account payables and discuss credit needs. The bank wants toensure such activities are tracked and exceptions are reported &followed up on in a timelymanner. How can Financial Services Cloud support these requirements?
A. Run a nightly process to create tasks and assign them to account owners for follow-ups
B. Train account owners to create required tasks periodically and setdue dates for tracking.
C. Use Lightning Scheduler to periodically schedule tasks for account owners.
D. Create an Action Plan Template with associated pre-determined Tasks and automatethe periodical creation of Action Plans for customer accounts.
A System Administrator has received a note from one of theportfolio managers that theActionableRelationship Center (ARC) is not visible when the portfolio manager was tryingto set up relationships between two accounts. The portfolio manager has also mentionedthat other colleagues in the same role have accessto it and are able to use it to managetheir customer's relationships. What is a possible cause for this?
A. The portfolio manager has not been given the permissions that enable users to view andmanage ARC
B. The portfolio manager does not have access tothe Lightning page that has the ARCcomponent added
C. The portfolio manager does not have access to the account records that he is trying tocreate for.
D. The ARC Component has not been added to the page layout
Financial Services Cloud (FSC) contains a number of custom objects to model a client'sfinancial information, and each object can be configured to appear as tabs in your org. Forexample, if a consultant wanted to create a financial goal for a customer, they could usethe Financial Goal object in FSC.What are three objects in FSC?
A. Billing
B. Financial Holding
C. Financial Goal
D. Inheritance
E. Revenue
A new custom object has been created, and the records of this object will be createdthroughintegration with another system What should a consultant do to ensure the data isloading into the correct fields in Financial Services Cloud?
A. Create a junction object between the external system and the new customer objectwhere the data will reside
B. Ensure custom metadata is configured and each custom metadata record details wherethe data will be sent
C. Use a CSV file with the data created and use Data Loader to map to the correct field
D. Utilize a field mapping file with the external system (allocation and the correspondingfield in Salesforce
What steps does the Salesforce Administratorhave to take to create a new BusinessMilestone Type?
A. In the Object Manager go to the Business Milestone object and create a new field usingthe name of the new milestone.
B. Find Person Life Event using the Object Manager and add a new picklist value on theMilestone Type Field.
C. Find Business Milestone using the Object Manager and add a new picklist value on theMilestone Type Field
D. In the Lightning Page Editor add the new Milestone Type to the Life Events & BusinessMilestones Lightning component