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What are three ways the secure access service edge (SASE) model can help an organization? (Choose three.)
A. cost savings
B. data protection
C. increased licensing requirements
D. increased performance
E. decreased reliance on best practices
Which element of a secure access service edge (SASE)-enabled network provides true integration of services, not servicechains, with combined services and visibility for all locations, mobile users, and the cloud?
A. identity and network location
B. broad network-edge support
C. converged WAN edge and network security
D. cloud-native, cloud-based delivery
How does a secure web gateway (SWG) protect users from web-based threats while still enforcing corporate acceptable usepolicies?
A. Users are mapped via server logs for login events and syslog messages from authenticating services.
B. It uses a cloud-based machine learning (ML)-powered web security engine to perform ML-based inspection of web trafficin real-time.
C. It prompts the browser to present a valid client certificate to authenticate the user.
D. Users access the SWG, which then connects the user to the website while still performing security measures.