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What are the correct predefined types of base time periods that can be established when creatingthe calendar in a planning application?
A. Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Custom
B. Monthly, Quarterly, Custom
C. Monthly, Quarterly, Weekly
D. Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, Custom
E. Only Custom periods are possible.
Identify the two statements about the Planning Import security utility.
A. Imports Planning application access for users and grout
B. Imports users and groups into Planning
C. Requires the source text file to be named PLANSECFILE.txt
D. Can be scheduled to run nightly using an encrypted password
E. Clears existing security definitions by default before the import takes place
Identify the two true statements about a sparse Entity dimension In Hyperion Planning.
A. You cannot build alternate rollups or assign custom attributes.
B. Base currencies are assigned to entity members.
C. Exchange rates are assigned to entity members.
D. Entity along with Scenario and Period make up a planning unit.
E. Entity along with Scenario and Version make up a planning unit.