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As a network architect you have been tasked with creating a fully redundant connection from your on-premises data center to your Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) in the us-ashburn-1 region.Which TWO options will accomplish this requirement?
Configure two FastConnect virtual circuits to the us-ashburn-1 region and terminate them in diverse hardware on-premises.
Configure a Site-to-Site VPN from a single on-premises CPE.
Configure one FastConnect virtual circuit to the us-ashburn-1 region and the second FastConnect virtual
circuit to the us-phoenix-1 region.
Configure one FastConnect virtual circuit to the us-ashburn-1 region and a Site-to-Site VPN to the
usashburn-1 region.
You are using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Vault service to create and manage Secrets. For your database password, you have created a secret and rotated the secret one time. The secret versions are as follows: Version Number | Status----------------------------------------- 2 (latest) | Current 1 | Previous You later realize that you have made a mistake in updating the secret content for version 2 and want to rollbackto version 1.What should you do to rollback to version 1?
Deprecate version 2 (latest). Create new Secret version 3. Create soft link from version 3 to version 1.
Create a new secret version 3 and set to Pending. Copy the content of version 1 into version 3.
From the version 2 (latest) menu, select "Rollback" and select version 1 when given the option.
From the version 1 menu on the OCI console, select "Promote to Current".
You are using a custom application with third-party APIs to manage the application and data hosted in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) tenancy. Although your third-party APIs do not support OCI’s signature-basedauthentication, you want them to communicate with OCI resources. Which authentication option should you use to ensure this?
Auth Tokens
OCI Username and Password
API Signing Key
SSH Key Pair with 2048-bit algorithm