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Which description of synchronous calls to an API is true?
A. They can be used only within single-threaded processes.
B. They pause execution and wait for the response.
C. They always successfully return within a fixed time.
D. They can be used only for small requests.
What are two advantages of Python virtual environments? (Choose two.)
A. Virtual environments can move compiled modules between different platforms.
B. Virtual environments permit non-administrative users to install packages.
C. The application code is run in an environment that is destroyed upon exit
D. Virtual environments allow for stateful high availability.
E. Virtual environments prevent packaging conflicts between multiple Python projects.
A developer has just completed the configuration of an API that connects sensitive internal systems. Based on company policies, the security of the data is a high priority.Which approach must be taken to secure API keys and passwords?
A. Embed them directly in the code.
B. Store them in a hidden file
C. Store them inside the source tree of the application.
D. Change them periodically.