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The normal response to an increasing PaCO2is
A. To maintain a constant VEuntil the PaCO2exceeds 55 torr.
B. Adecrease in VEof 2to5L/min/torrPCO2.
C. An increase in VEof 1 to 6L/min/torr PCO2.
D. An increase in VEof 10to15L/min/torrPCO2.
Which of the following may cause a reduction in end-tidal CO2?
A. Increased VD/VTratio
B. Anxiety-induced hyperventilation
C. Exercise below the anaerobic threshold
D. Eating a high-protein diet
In which of the following patients would an end-tidal CO2most likely produce values that are inconsistent with PaCO2?
A. 50 year old with mild scleroderma
B. 42 year old with moderate COPD
C. 20 year old who smokes cigarettes
D. 12 year old with kyphoscoliosis
A patient's bronchial provocation test was interpreted as positive for hyperreactive airways. Considering changes from a pre-challenge baseline, all of the following are consistent with this interpretation EXCEPT a
A. 25% decrease in Raw.
B. 25% decrease in FEFmax.
C. 25% increase in FRC.
D. 25% decrease in FEF25-75%.
While assessing a patient's expired gases at rest prior to exercise, a pulmonary function technologist calculates the RER as 0.6. Which of the following is the most likely explanation?
A. The patient has an elevated VDAVT
B. A gas analyzer is malfunctioning
C. The expired gas is contaminated with air
D. The patient is hyperventilating
A 9-year-old girl had an FVC of 2.35 L1 year ago. She was 122 cm (4 ft) tall and weighed29.5 kg (65 lb). Her current height is 127 cm (4 ft 2 in), and her weight is 34 kg (75 lb). Thecurrent FVC measurement is 2.20 L. The quality of both tests met ATS/ERS goals. Apulmonary function technologist should conclude the change is
A. Not significant since it is less than a 15% decrease.
B. Not significant since it is within normal test variability.
C. Significant since a decline is not expected.
D. Significant since her weight has changed