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You are leading projects in an IT services company. Your customer's project requires analyzing im-ages. They have many 10s of 1000s of raw images that they have made available to you. Your small technology team needs to build a machine learning model. The images are unlabeled. You don't have the people or the capacity to label the images. What is your approach?
A. Look for open-source labeled images that closely resemble the given images.
B. Request data labeling service from Google.
C. Tell the customer it is their duty to label the images.
D. Hire temporary workers who can quickly label the images.
The government has ordered an audit of your company's data. You have hired an external company to conduct the audit. They need to be able to review the data stored in your Cloud Storage buckets across eight projects. How would you grant them access?
A. Give the auditors an Owner role on the eight buckets so that they have proper access.
B. Give them Storage Object Viewer access to the buckets in those eight projects.
C. They might need access to all projects as the audit progresses; so give them access to all Storage buckets so that you don't have to do it repeatedly later on.
D. They might need access to all projects as the audit progresses; so give them the Editor role on all Storage buckets so that you don't have to do it repeatedly later on.
An organization wants to move from a strategic cloud adoption maturity level to a transformational one. How should the organization change the way they scale?
A. None of these
B. Deploy changes when problems arise.
C. Deploy changes programmatically.
D. Review changes manually.
Cloud SQL is a fully-managed relational database service for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQL serv-ers, keeping Cloud SQL Google Cloud Service in mind, which of the following statements is/are correct?
A. Data inside cloud SQL is automatically Encrypted.
B. Cloud SQL automatically ensures your databases are reliable, secure, and scala-ble so that your business continues to run without disruption.
C. With DMS (Database Migration Service) it becomes very easy to Migration of Production Database.
D. All of the above
Your ed-tech start-up was originally launched in a small geography. Any user sign-ups, course progress, tests taken, etc. are captured on a self-managed MySQL database. Every user generates many such transactions. Now you're taking the application globally and preparing for a much larger influx of users from all over the world. The existing MySQL server is unlikely to be able to scale. Which convenient option can be considered?
A. Migrate to BigQuery
B. Migrate to Cloud Spanner
C. Migrate to Cloud SQL
D. Migrate to Bigtable
You are working in a company that provides different services to its customer. Now it also wants to offer some paid API services to its B2B customers for e.g. google provides google maps API, cloud vision API, and language translation API. You need to figure out the best solution for the service.
A. Java Programming Spring Boot Framework for to solve the problem of APIs man-agement.
B. Cloud Functions with Firestore and payment gateways integration development.
C. Apigee API Management
D. Frontend & Backend Development with NodeJs and angular etc.
Your organization is releasing its first publicly available application in Google Cloud. The application is critical to your business and customers and requires a 2-hour SLA. How should your organization set up support to minimize costs?
A. Enroll in Premium Support
B. Enroll in Enhanced Support
C. Enroll in Standard Support
D. Enroll in Basic Support
A startup client of yours does offline data processing for a few of its clients. They are migrating their applications and the associated data to Google Cloud. They have 100TB of data to move. They presently have a very small private data center setup connected to a local internet provider. The maximum bandwidth they are able to get is 100Mbps. How long will it take them to transfer the data over the internet if the transfer goes smoothly?
A. About 12 days.
B. About 2 years.
C. About 100 days.
D. About 24 hours.
Your team is publishing research results and needs to make large amounts of data available to other researchers within the professional community and the public at minimum cost. How should you host the data?
A. Use a Cloud Storage bucket and enable "Requester Pays.'
B. Use a Cloud Storage bucket and provide Signed URLs for the data files.
C. Use a Cloud Storage bucket and set up a Cloud Interconnect connection to allow access to the data.
D. Host the data on-premises. and set up a Cloud Interconnect connection to allow access to the data.
Your organization needs to restrict access to a Cloud Storage bucket. Only employees who are based in Canada should be allowed to view the contents. What is the most effective and efficient way to satisfy this requirement?
A. Deploy the Cloud Storage bucket to a Google Cloud region in Canada
B. Configure Google Cloud Armor to allow access to the bucket only from IP addresses based in Canada
C. Give each employee who is based in Canada access to the bucket
D. Create a group consisting of all Canada-based employees, and give the group access to the bucket
You are migrating workloads to the cloud. The goal of the migration is to serve customers worldwide as quickly as possible According to local regulations, certain data is required to be stored in a specific geographic area, and it can be served worldwide. You need to design the architecture and deployment for your workloads. What should you do?
A. Select a public cloud provider that is only active in the required geographic area
B. Select a private cloud provider that globally replicates data storage for fast data access
C. Select a public cloud provider that guarantees data location in the required geographic area
D. Select a private cloud provider that is only active in the required geographic area
Your organization runs a distributed application in the Compute Engine virtual machines. Your organization needs redundancy, but it also needs extremely fast communication (less than 10 milliseconds) between the parts of the application in different virtual machines. Where should your organization locate this virtual machines?
A. In a single zone within a single region
B. In different zones within a single region
C. In multiple regions, using one zone per region
D. In multiple regions, using multiple zones per region
What issues can arise when organizations integrate third-party systems into their cloud infrastruc-ture?
A. Third-party systems may not be powerful enough to run many critical business applications.
B. Without sufficient security measures and regular checks, unsecured third-party systems can pose a threat to data security.
C. Over-reliance on third-party systems limits an organization's potential for innova-tion.
D. Third-party systems are less capable of addressing an organization's security requirements.
Your company is running the majority of its workloads in a co-located data center. The workloads are running on virtual machines (VMs) on top of a hypervisor and use either Linux or Windows server editions. As part of your company’s transformation strategy, you need to modernize workloads as much as possible by adopting cloud-native technologies. You need to migrate the workloads into Google Cloud. What should you do?
A. Export the VMs into VMDK format, and import them into Compute Engine
B. Export the VMs into VMDK format, and import them into Google Cloud VMware Engine
C. Migrate the workloads using Migrate for Compute Engine
D. Migrate the workloads using Migrate for Anthos
A video game organization has invested in cloud technology to generate insights from user behaviors. They want to ensure recommendations of games are aligned to players' interests. What may have prompted this business decision?
A. Customers expect faster time to market for games.
B. Employees expect source code changes to be deployed faster.
C. Customers expect a personalized experience.
D. Employees expect more predictable data management spending.
An organization currently stores its data on-premises and they receive different levels of traffic on their website every month. How could the organization benefit from modernizing their infrastructure with cloud technology?
A. They can rely on the cloud provider for all website source code.
B. Agile storage scalability.
C. 100% service availability.
D. They can shift from heavy operational expenditure to a capital expenditure model.