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In which of the following states is a given session categorized as ephemeral? (Choose two.)
A. A TCP session waiting to complete the three-way handshake.
B. A TCP session waiting for FIN ACK.
C. A UDP session with packets sent and received.
D. A UDP session with only one packet received.
Two independent FortiGate HA clusters are connected to the same broadcast domain. The administrator has reported that both clusters are using the same HA virtual MAC address. This creates a duplicated MAC address problem in the network. What HA setting must be changed in one of the HA clusters to fix the problem?
A. Group ID.
B. Group name.
C. Session pickup.
D. Gratuitous ARPs.
When using the SSL certificate inspection method for HTTPS traffic, how does FortiGate filter web requests when the browser client does not provide the server name indication (SNI)?
A. FortiGate uses the Issued To: field in the server’s certificate.
B. FortiGate switches to the full SSL inspection method to decrypt the data.
C. FortiGate blocks the request without any further inspection.
D. FortiGate uses the requested URL from the user’s web browser.
Which of the following conditions must be met for a static route to be active in the routing table? (Choose two.)
A. The next-hop IP address is up.
B. There is no other route, to the same destination, with a higher distance.
C. The link health monitor (if configured) is up.
D. The outgoing interface is up.
Which of the following statements are true regarding the SIP session helper and the SIP application layer gateway (ALG)? (Choose three.)
A. SIP session helper runs in the kernel; SIP ALG runs as a user space process.
B. SIP ALG supports SIP HA failover; SIP helper does not.
C. SIP ALG supports SIP over IPv6; SIP helper does not.
D. SIP ALG can create expected sessions for media traffic; SIP helper does not.
E. SIP helper supports SIP over TCP and UDP; SIP ALG supports only SIP over UDP.