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What is one way that a application delivery controller lowers the CPU-load on web servers?
A. use SSL termination at the application delivery controller
B. make the application delivery controller function as a Firewall
C. make the application delivery controller a member of both external and internal VLANs
D. use cookie persistence on the application delivery controller
Given the service list of a server shown, the administrator needs to determine why usersare unable to resolve the IP addresswww.example.com.What is the causing this issue?
A. bigd is down
B. named is down
In a fully proxy architecture, what is considered the client in the server-sidecommunications
A. the ADC
B. the switch
C. the server
D. the client workstation
A BIG IP Administrator configures three Network Time Protocol servers to keep the time ofthe devices in sync. Which tool should the administrator use to show the synchronizationstatus with the Network Time Protocol servers?
A. time
B. ntpdate
C. date
D. ntpq
An administrator needs to provide access to corporate resources for remote users. Theadministrator also needs to verify that the remote use has anti-virus software installed.Which F5 product provides this functionality?
A company would like to create a web service for multiple data centers (US EU, ASia)where each data center uses the same IP address Requests will be routed to the closestdata center. Which address type is the appropriate solution?
A. Broadcast
B. Unicast
C. Anycast
D. Micest
Which protocol could be used to provide AAA Accounting?
A. karberos
A BIG IP virtual Server with an IP address of must be available to publicinternet users. Which technology should be used to achieve this task?
Which security model provides protection from unknown attacks?
A. ACL Security model
B. closed security model
C. Negative security model
D. Positive security model
An administrator is performing a capture from a lagged port on an Ethernet SWITCH.Which OSI layer should be inspected to determine with which VLAN a datagram isassociated?
A. Network layer
B. Data-link layer
C. Application layer
D. Transport layer
What is a primary reason to choose hardware over virtual devices?
A. failure isolation
B. HA capabilities
C. management capabilities
D. SSL performance
How does file caching affect the web application?
A. It reduces the load on the web application
B. It speeds up traffic to the web application
C. It slows traffic to the web application
D. It increases the load on the web application