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Implementing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves two key aspects. What are they? Choose one of the following:
A. Onsite and offsite
B. Onsite and micro site
C. Offsite and directory
D. Onsite and directory
Which one of the following will help you develop and operate your Pay-Per-Click Ad campaigns? Choose one of the following:
A. Google AdWords
B. Bing Media Centre
C. Google Analytics
D. Yahoo Ad Centre
What is a newsfeed story within Facebook that advertisers can pay to have featured more prominently called? Choose one of the following:
A. A sponsored story
B. A newsfeed story
C. An endorsement story
D. An advertisement
Which one of the following is the name for a camera-based application on a smart phone that reads printed code-style icons? Choose one of the following:
A. QR Code Reader
B. Digital Optical Reader
C. Bar Code Reader
D. App Reader
Your latest digital marketing campaign is targeted across a range of computing devices, in particular mobile and tablets. And although an impressive new website has just been completed, someone has raised an important concern. What might this be? Choose one of the following:
A. A mobile optimized website may also be needed.
B. Laptops may have difficulty with the site.
C. An Intranet website will also be needed.
D. Analytics may not work for mobile devices.