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Universal forwarder is recommended for forwarding the logs to indexers.
A. False
B. True
Snapping rounds down to the nearest specified unit.
A. Yes
B. No
Splunk indexes the data on the basis of timestamps.
A. True
B. False
Splunk Components:Which of the following are responsible for parsing incoming data and storing data on disc?
A. forwarders
B. indexers
C. search heads
When placed early in a search, which command is most effective at reducing search execution time?
A. dedup
B. rename
C. sort -
D. fields +
What type of search can be saved as a report?
A. Any search can be saved as a report
B. Only searches that generate visualizations
C. Only searches containing a transforming command
D. Only searches that generate statistics or visualizations
When saving a search directly to a dashboard panel instead of saving as a report first, which of the following is created?
A. Cloned panel
B. Inline panel
C. Report panel
D. Prebuilt panel
We should use heavy forwarder for sending event-based data to Indexers.
A. False
B. True
What is the primary use for the rare command1?
A. To sort field values in descending order
B. To return only fields containing five or fewer values
C. To find the least common values of a field in a dataset
D. To find the fields with the fewest number of values across a dataset
Which of the following file types is an option for exporting Splunk search results?
Selected fields are a set of configurable fields displayed for each event.
A. True
B. False
Creating Data Models:Fields associated with a data set are known as.
A. Attributes
B. Constraints