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When using SAS Data Integration Studio's SQL Join transformation, which SQL join type can be constructed as either an implicit or an explicit join?
A. Union
B. Full
C. Inner
D. Cross
When using the SCD Type 2 load method in SAS Data Integration Studio, which statement is true when a change is detected?
A. the old record is deleted and the changed record is added
B. the old record is updated with the new values from the changed record
C. the old record is flagged and the changed record is added
D. the old record is merged with the changed record
A SAS Data Integration Studio job was successfully scheduled and the appropriate event for triggering it occurred. Which statement describes the situation correctly?
A. The scheduling server calls the SAS DATA Step Batch Server over the SAS Object
Server which spawns the job,
getting its source code from the deployment directory, and sends the results directly to the
Schedule Manager
plug-in of the SAS Management Console
B. The scheduling server uses the command obtained from the SAS DATA Step Batch
Server and the source code from
the deployment directory to run the job. The results from the executing command are
directly sent to the
scheduling server.
C. The scheduling server uses the command from the deployed job in the deployment
directory and executes it with
the SAS DATA Step Batch Server which gets the source code from the Metadata Server.
The results are sent back
to the deployment directory.
D. The scheduling server uses the command obtained from the Schedule Manager, the
source code from SAS DATA Step
Batch Server and executes it. The results are directly sent to the scheduling server.
The Platform Process Manager server is part of the Platform Suite for SAS. Which statement is FALSE regarding the Platform Process Manager server?
A. The server enables you to schedule jobs using a variety of recurrence criteria and
dependencies on other jobs,
time events, or file events.
B. The server enables you to schedule jobs using a variety of recurrence criteria but does
NOT allow you to
specify any type of dependencies.
C. The Flow Manager application (part of the Platform Suite for SAS) can be used to
manage already scheduled
D. Metadata for the Platform Process Manager server must be defined and must include
the network address or host
name of a machine as well as the port number for the server.