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Why do SAP-delivered integrations enable customers to achieve maximum speed to value?Note: There are 3 correct answers tothis question.
A. Because SAP Cloud to SAP Cloud integrations are pre-delivered with best practices content delivered
by SAP
B. Because they are operated by customers
C. Because they are predefined and developed by SAP
D. Because newdevelopments and upgrades are performed by the customers
E. Because they are operated by SAP
What do S/4HANA Cloud and S/4HANA on-premise has in common?
A. They run on the same upgrade schedule
B. The adoption of new innovations provided by SAP requires a similar time and efforts
C. They share the same scope
D. They are built from one single code line
Which of the following are possible steps towards making SAP S/4HANA Cloud become a two-tier ERP deployment?Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question
A. Ensure that reporting provides visibility in subsidiaries
B. Implement all subsidiary-specific processes in your headquarter' ERP system.
C. Differentiate with integrated processes that you need to run between headquarters and subsidiaries
D. Integrate on the financial side by performing consolidation and corporate planning
E. Upgrade your headquarters' ERP system
Which of the following arefunctions of output management in SAP S/4HANA Cloud?Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Updating multiple master data records at a time
B. Entering a recipient
C. Choosing the output method such as print, fax, or e-mail
D. Assigning workflows
E. Previewing a document
What does public cloud stand for?Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Scalability
B. Platform as a Service
C. Fully mobilized
D. Standardization
E. High degree ofconfiguration