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What is the process called of Cleaning, Deduplicating, Merging data into a single ID?
A. DataUnification
B. Data Mining
C. Data Cleansing
How should Data Subject Rights request be submitted to Salesforce CDP?
A. Using a dedicated field in data stream
B. Using Consent API
C. Using dedicated data stream
D. Using Data Explorer
Which function does the Copy SOQL button perform in Data Explorer?
A. Copy SOQL for any formula fields in that object
B. Copy SOQL for the current data view to clipboard and export
C. Copy SOQL for data export from Salesforce CDP
D. Copy SOQL for the current dataview to clipboard
What can cause a published schedule to be skipped?
A. Segment criteria is not correct
B. Activation schedule is paused
C. Segment has 0 records
D. Too many schedules at same time
How many Business Units under the same Enterprise ID (EID) can be connected for data ingestion?
A. 1
B. 4
C. 10
D. No hard limit
What is the recommendation for activation when multiple data sources are brought into CDP?
A. Activate on Individual
B. Do not use Identity Resolution
C. Use Identity Resolution and activate on Unified Individual
D. Activate based on source identifiers
Which permission set needs to be added to the salesforce CRM object to be available in Salesforce CDP
A. Salesforce CDP external connector
B. Salesforce External Integration
C. Salesforce CDP Salesforce Connector Integration
D. SalesforceExternal Connecto
In which two ways can a marketer include campaign name from an external system into the segment?
A. Include campaign code in segment name
B. Include campaign code in activation name
C. Include campaign code in activation description
D. Include campaign code in filename specification
What is the correct formula to display the value of the raw data column of “Revenue” plus a 5% margin?
A. SELECT([‘Revenue’] *1.05)
B. SELECT([‘revenue’] *1.05)
C. sourceField([‘Revenue’] *1.05)
D. sourceField([‘revenue’] *1.05)
What type of data is collected by a company or entity that does not have a direct relationship with the visitor and customer?
A. Partner Data
B. First Party Data
C. Third Party Data
D. Second Party Data