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Salesforce CRT-450 Exam Dumps

Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I (SP24)

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Total Questions : 235
Update Date : December 01, 2024
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CRT-450 Dumps

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Salesforce CRT-450 Sample Questions

Question # 1

Why would a developer consider using a custom controller over a controller extension?

A. Toincrease the SOQL query governor limits. 
B. To implement all of the logic for a page and bypass default Salesforce functionality 
C. To leverage built-in functionality of a standard controller 
D. To enforce user sharing settings and permissions 

Question # 2

The operation manager at a construction company uses a custom object called Machineryto manage the usage and maintenance of its cranes and other machinery. The managerwants to be able to assign machinery to different constructions jobs, and track the datesand costs associated with each job. More than one piece of machinery can be assigned toone construction job.What should a developer do to meet these requirements?

A. Create a lookup field on theConstruction Job object to the Machinery object. 
B. Create a lookup field on the Machinery object to the Construction Job object. 
C. Create a junction object with Master-Detail Relationship to both the Machinery objectand the Construction Job object. 
D. Create a Master-Detail Lookup on the Machinery object to the Construction Job object. 

Question # 3

Which three declarative fields are correctly mapped to variable types in Apex? (Choosethree.)

A. Number maps to Decimal. 
B. Number maps to Integer. 
C. TextArea maps to List of type String. 
D. Date/Time maps toDateline. 
E. Checkbox maps to Boolean. 

Question # 4

A developer wrote a unit test to confirm that a custom exception works properly in a customcontroller, but the test failed due to an exception being thrown.Which step shouldthe developer take to resolve the issue and properly test the exception?

A. Use try/catch within the unit test to catch the exception. 
B. Use the finally bloc within the unit test to populate the exception. 
C. Use the database methods with all or none set to FALSE. 
D. Use Test.isRunningTest() within the custom controller. 

Question # 5

A developer wrote a unit test to confirm that a custom exception works properly in a customcontroller, but the test failed due to an exception being thrown.Which step shouldthe developer take to resolve the issue and properly test the exception?

A. Use try/catch within the unit test to catch the exception. 
B. Use the finally bloc within the unit test to populate the exception. 
C. Use the database methods with all or none set to FALSE. 
D. Use Test.isRunningTest() within the custom controller. 

Question # 6

What is a capability of the <ltng:require> tag that is used for loading external Javascriptlibraries in Lightning Component? (Choose three.)

A. Loading files from Documents. 
B. One-time loading for duplicate scripts. 
C. Specifying loading order. 
D. Loading scripts in parallel. 
E. Loading externally hosted scripts. 

Question # 7

A developer executes the following query in Apex to retrieve a list of contacts for eachaccount:List<account> accounts = [Select ID, Name, (Select ID, Name from Contacts) fromAccount] ;Which two exceptions may occur when it executes? (Choose two.)

A. CPU limit exception due to the complexity of the query. 
B. SOQL query row limit exception due to the number of contacts. 
C. SOQL query limit exception due to the number of contacts. 
D. SOQL query row limit exception due to the number of accounts. 

Question # 8

A developer needs to display all of the available fields for an object.In which two ways can the developer retrieve the available fields if the variable myObjectrepresents the name of the object? (Choose two.)

A. Use myObject.sObjectType.getDescribe().fieldSet() to return a set of fields. 
B. Use mySObject.myObject.fields.getMap() to return a map of fields. 
C. Use Schema.describeSObjects(new String[]{myObject})[0].fields.getMap() to return amap of fields. 
D. Use getGlobalDescribe().get(myObject).getDescribe().fields.getMap() to return a map offields. 

Question # 9

Which two number expressions evaluate correctly? (Choose two.)

A. Double d = 3.14159; 
B. Integer I = 3.14159; 
C. Decimal d = 3.14159; 
D. Long l = 3.14159; 

Question # 10

Universal Containers wants Opportunities to be locked from editing when reaching theClosed/Won stage.Which two strategies should a developer use to accomplish this? (Choose two.)

A. Use a Visual Workflow. 
B. Use a validation rule. 
C. Use the Process Automation Settings. 
D. Use a Trigger. 

Question # 11

Adeveloper needs to join data received from an integration with an external system withparent records in Salesforce. The data set does not contain the Salesforce IDs of theparent records, but it does have a foreign key attribute that can be used to identify theparent.Which action will allow the developer to relate records in the data model without knowingthe Salesforce ID?

A. Create and populate a custom field on the parent object marked as Unique. 
B. Create a custom field on the child object of typeExternal Relationship. 
C. Create and populate a custom field on the parent object marked as an External ID. 
D. Create a custom field on the child object of type Foreign Key. 

Question # 12

A method is passed a list of generic sObjects as a parameter.What should the developer do to determine which object type (Account, Lead, or Contact,for example) to cast each sObject?

A. Use the first three characters of the sObject ID to determine the sObject type. 
B. Use the getSObjectType method on each generic sObject to retrieve the sObject token. 
C. Use the getSObjectName method on the sObject class to get the sObject name. 
D. Use a try-catch construct to cast the sObject into one of the three sObject types.