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Salesforce Advanced-Administrator Exam Dumps

Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator (SP24)

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Total Questions : 241
Update Date : December 01, 2024
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Advanced-Administrator Dumps

Dumpsspot offers the best Advanced-Administrator exam dumps that comes with 100% valid questions and answers. With the help of our trained team of professionals, the Advanced-Administrator Dumps PDF carries the highest quality. Our course pack is affordable and guarantees a 98% to 100% passing rate for exam. Our Advanced-Administrator test questions are specially designed for people who want to pass the exam in a very short time.

Most of our customers choose Dumpsspot's Advanced-Administrator study guide that contains questions and answers that help them to pass the exam on the first try. Out of them, many have passed the exam with a passing rate of 98% to 100% by just training online.

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Salesforce Advanced-Administrator Sample Questions

Question # 1

what type of data can be migrated between environments using change sets?choose 2

A. Custom fields(100%) 
B. Email templates.(100%) 
C. standard field picklist values. 
D. Account team roles. 

Question # 2

how can an administrator use the service cloud console to increase the efficiency ofsupport users? choose 3

A. configure it to manage chatter answers cases and live agent chat conversations. 
B. customize the softphone to provide a screen pop-up on incoming support calls. 
C. configure the idea themes page layout with buttons and links to case detail information 
D. enable the service cloud console application in salesforce communities. 
E. use publisher actions in case feed to combine the publisher extension menus in a single row. 

Question # 3

Universal Containers wants to track invoices with a custom object. They want to be able toview any invoices as arelated list on the Opportunity record page.Which feature would ensure can view all invoices associated with an Opportunity if the usercan view the parent Opportunity record?

A. Field Level Security 
B. Master-Detail Relationships 
C. Lookup Relationships 
D. Sharing Rules 

Question # 4

An administrator is creating a custom Opportunity record page for Sales users for new logoopportunities. They need to control what fields display on the record when a sales user isviewing the opportunity.Where should the administrator edit what fields display in the details of the record page?

A. Record Detail Component 
B. Custom Lightning Component 
C. Record Types 
D. Page Layout 

Question # 5

Ursa Major Solar has a training sandbox with 160MB of test data that needs to berefreshedevery other day.Which two sandboxes should be used in this instance?Choose 2 answers

A. Partial 
B. Developer 
C. Developer Pro 
D. Full 

Question # 6

The administrator at Cloud Kicks needs to import a batch of person accounts intoSalesforce.What tool should theadministrator use?

A. Data Import Wizard 
B. Quick Create 
C. Bulk API 
D. Mass Update 

Question # 7

An administrator at Cloud Kicks has been asked to reduce the file size of full data exports in order to have quicker exports.Which three recommendations should the administrator make?Choose 3 answers

A. Reduce the amount of objects perexport. 
B. Request a backup file every 5 days. 
C. Deselect 'Include images, documents, and attachments' in the export. 
D. Unselect the recycle bin in the object export option. 
E. Keep deleted record counts to a minimum. 

Question # 8

Cloud Kicks is alarge company with many divisions. Some divisions have a higher turnover,so each division wants to be able to create and manage users only within their division.What should the administrator do to set this up?

A. Set up delegated administrators for the division leaders. 
B. Assign a flat territory role hierarchy for the divisions. 
C. Create a permission set group for the division leaders. 
D. Customize and assign profiles for the division teams. 

Question # 9

An administrator needs to create a junction object called Account Region to linkthestandard Account object with a custom object called Region.Once the junction object is created, what are the next two steps the administrator shouldtake?Choose 2 answers

A. Make a master-detail relationship field on the junction object to the Region object. 
B. Build a master-detail relationship field on the Region object to the junction object. 
C. Create a master-detail relationship field on the Account object to the junction object. 
D. Configure a master-detail relationship field on the junctionobject to the Account object. 

Question # 10

The administrator at AW Computing has received an email for a system error indicatingthat their organization has reached is hourly limit processing workflow time triggers.Which two processes should the administratorreview? Choose 2 answers

A. Time-Based Workflows 
B. Paused now Interviews 
C. Apex Triggers 
D. Debug Logs 

Question # 11

AW Computing is conducting an audit and wants to understand how many objects havebeen shared as public externally.whichtool should the administrator use to quickly obtain this details?

A. Security Health Check 
B. Setup Audit Trail 
C. Session Security Settings 
D. Object Manager 

Question # 12

AW Computing wants to enable a backup resource to assign permissions while restrictingthe backup resource's ability to create or modify permission sets.Which feature should be employed to accomplish this request?

A. Assignment Rules 
B. Delegated Administrator 
C. View All Users Permission 
D. Customize Application Permission