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When we talk about portfolios, programs and projects, it is inevitable to mention the business value which is the sum of tangible and intangible assets of an organization, also known as the net quantifiable benefit.When it comes to business value, at which level of the organization is the pursuit of Business Value optimized?
A. Program
B. Portfolio
C. Operational
D. Project
Stakeholders have complained to you that they are receiving redundant information and they prefer that you fix the issue promptly as it is time consuming for them. What is your best course of action?
A. Explain to the stakeholders why it is important that they keep receiving this information
B. Re-assess and re-write the Communication Management Plan after analyzing the stakeholders again
C. Escalate the issue to the governance board and ask them to take a decision regarding it
D. Update the communication matrix and remove them from it
You have just finished a major checkpoint in your portfolio and the portfolio has to undergo several changes in order to re-align with the strategies. One component of your portfolio has been cancelled and the resources are going to be reallocated to other components. Which process does these activities?
A. Manage Supply & Demand
B. Authorize Portfolio
C. Manage Portfolio Oversight
D. Optimize Portfolio
When developing the charter, you will use multiple inputs and documents of which the portfolio Strategic Plan is one. How is the strategic plan used in this case?
A. It is not an input to this process
B. The Portfolio Structure and Portfolio Manager's Authorizations are copied from the Portfolio Strategic Plan as is and incorporated in the Charter
C. It is updated based on the output of the Develop portfolio charter process
D. The prioritization model is used as a decision framework to structure the portfolio components
When we talk about portfolios, programs and projects, it is inevitable to mention the business value which is the sum of tangible and intangible assets of an organization, also known as the net quantifiable benefit. When it comes to business value, at which level of the organization is the Business Value achieved?
A. Program
B. Project
C. Portfolio
D. Operational