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Palo-Alto-Networks PSE-Cortex Exam Dumps

Palo Alto Networks System Engineer - Cortex Professional

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Total Questions : 60
Update Date : December 01, 2024
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PSE-Cortex Dumps

Dumpsspot offers the best PSE-Cortex exam dumps that comes with 100% valid questions and answers. With the help of our trained team of professionals, the PSE-Cortex Dumps PDF carries the highest quality. Our course pack is affordable and guarantees a 98% to 100% passing rate for exam. Our PSE-Cortex test questions are specially designed for people who want to pass the exam in a very short time.

Most of our customers choose Dumpsspot's PSE-Cortex study guide that contains questions and answers that help them to pass the exam on the first try. Out of them, many have passed the exam with a passing rate of 98% to 100% by just training online.

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Palo-Alto-Networks PSE-Cortex Sample Questions

Question # 1

An EDR project was initiated by a CISO. Which resource will likely have the most heavy influence on the project? 

A. desktop engineer 
B. SOC manager 
C. SOC analyst IT 
D. operations manager 

Question # 2

A customer wants to modify the retention periods of their Threat logs in Cortex Data Lake. Where would the user configure the ratio of storage for each log type? 

A. Within the TMS, create an agent settings profile and modify the Disk Quota value 
B. It is not possible to configure Cortex Data Lake quota for specific log types. 
C. Go to the Cortex Data Lake App in Cloud Services, then choose Configuration and modify the Threat Quota 
D. Write a GPO for each endpoint agent to check in less often

Question # 3

The certificate used for decryption was installed as a trusted toot CA certificate to ensure communication between the Cortex XDR Agent and Cortex XDR Management Console. What action needs to be taken if the administrator determines the Cortex XDR Agents are not communicating with the Cortex XDR Management Console? 

A. add paloaltonetworks.com to the SSL Decryption Exclusion list 
B. enable SSL decryption 
C. disable SSL decryption 
D. reinstall the root CA certificate