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Which statement is true about Enterprise Manager 12c for Exadata?
A. EM Agents are installed on each database and storage node.
B. EM Agents should not be installed on Exadata. Remote monitoring is the best practice.
C. EM Agents can communicate to storage cells via SSH.
D. The Exadata Plug-In for monitoring switches is installed in each EM Agent.
E. Storage cells communicate directly to the EM Management Server via SNMP and/or
Which two migration will result in the least down time for a physical or logical migration of a database with active users during the migration?
A. using GoldenGate
B. using SQL Developer migration tools
C. using Data Guard Physical Standby
D. using cross-platform transportable tablespaces
E. using incremental cross-platform RMAN restore
Identify the three values to which the cell_flash_cache attribute can be set.
A. read
Which two statements are true about enabling write-back flash cache?
A. When enabling write-back flash cache in a non rolling manner, it is important to ensure
that asmdeactivatonoutcome is set to YES and asmModestatus is set to ONLINE for all
grid disks.
B. Before using write-back flash cache, you need to verify the minimum required versions
C. Before write back-flash cache is enabled, you need to drop the Flash Cache first.
D. The setting flashCacheMode should be set to writeback by updating cellinit.ora and
restarting cellsrv
E. When enabling write-back flash cache in a rolling manner, dcli should be used to
inactivate the grid disks on all cells first.