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A constrained plan with the Enforce Capacity Constraints option is run and you are asked to analyze Late Demands in the plan.Which two exception messages are critical In the above case?
A. Late Replenishment for Sales Order
B. Order is firmed late
C. Late Replenishment for Forecast
D. Demand quantity not satisfied
E. Sourcing Split Percentage violated
For Make Items, the time required to make the Item If you have all of the Buy Items In Inventory and have to make all Subassemblies and the Item Itself Is called______.
A. Processing Lead Time
B. Cumulative Total Lead Time
C. Cumulative Manufacturing Lead Time
D. Postprocessing Lead Time
E. Fixed Lead Time
F. Lead Time Lot Size
G. Variable Lead Time
H. Preprocessing Lead Time
Identify the five Resource types that can be defined In Oracle.
A. Amount
B. Item
C. Currency
D. Machine
E. Person
F. Lead Time
G. Miscellaneous
H. Bill of Material
Select the three correct repositories available In ASCP.
A. Resource Data Store
B. Operational Data Store
C. Processing Data Store
D. Oracle Application Data Store
E. Item Data Store
F. Planning Data Store
G. Bills of Material (BOM) Data Store