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NetApp NS0-592 Exam Dumps

NetApp Certified Support Engineer ONTAP Specialist

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Total Questions : 60
Update Date : November 01, 2024
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NS0-592 Dumps

Dumpsspot offers the best NS0-592 exam dumps that comes with 100% valid questions and answers. With the help of our trained team of professionals, the NS0-592 Dumps PDF carries the highest quality. Our course pack is affordable and guarantees a 98% to 100% passing rate for exam. Our NS0-592 test questions are specially designed for people who want to pass the exam in a very short time.

Most of our customers choose Dumpsspot's NS0-592 study guide that contains questions and answers that help them to pass the exam on the first try. Out of them, many have passed the exam with a passing rate of 98% to 100% by just training online.

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  • The NS0-592 PDF is for the candidates who aim to pass the NetApp Certification exam in their first attempt.
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NetApp NS0-592 Sample Questions

Question # 1

A customer mentions that their intercluster SnapMirror replication operations consistently take much longer than normal. While troubleshooting, you want to initiate a test SnapMirror session to collect performance data.How would you accomplish this task? 

A. Run the network test-path command to simulate a SnapMirror connection and record the latency/throughput data.
B. View the active network connections to the node to see if there a large number of active connections. 
C. Use the ifstat command to collect network performance data for the physical interface. 
D. Run the network statistics lif show command for the intercluster LIF to simulate a network connection. 

Question # 2

The root aggregate on your single-node ONTAP cluster failed. You have the configuration backups saved on your FTP server? In this scenario, which two steps are part of the recovery procedure? (Choose two.)

A. Perform a Netboot using the configuration backup.
B. Create a new aggregate and set its ha_policy option to sfo.
C. Boot into maintenance mode.
D. Create a new root aggregate and set its ha_policy option to cfo.

Question # 3

When does ONTAP 9.5 overwrite a block that contains existing data? 

A. after a user edits a file
B. after the block has been marked free
C. when file permissions are changed
D. when a file is copied in a LUN