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MuleSoft MCD-Level-1 Exam Dumps

MuleSoft Certified Developer - Level 1 (Mule 4)

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Total Questions : 235
Update Date : December 01, 2024
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MuleSoft MCD-Level-1 Sample Questions

Question # 1

What payload is returned by a Database SELECT operation that does not match any rows in the database? 

A. false 
B. null 
C. Exception 
D. Empty Array 

Question # 2

A Mule application contains two HTTP Listeners, each configured for different API endpoints: http://acme.com/apis/orders and http: //acme .com/a pis/customers. What base path value should be set in an HTT? Listener config element so that it can be used to configure both HTTP Listeners? 

A. /apis/?
B. /apis/ 
C. /apis/orders|customers 
D. /apis/* 

Question # 3

An SLA based policy has been enabled in API Manager. What is the next step to configure the API proxy to enforce the newSLA policy? 

A. Add new property placeholders and redeploy the API proxy 
B. Add new environment variables and restart the API proxy 
C. Restart the API proxy to clear the API policy cache
D. Add required headers to the RAML specification and redeploy the newAPI proxy 

Question # 4

ARAML specification is defined to manage customers with a unique identifier for each customer record. What URI does MuleSoft recommend to uniquely access the customer identified with the unique ID 1234? 

A. /customers?custid=true&custid=1234 
B. /customers/1234 
C. /customers/custid=1234
D. /customers?operation=get&custid=1234 

Question # 5

What is the correct syntax for a Logger component to output a message with the contents of a 3SON Object payload? A. The payload is: $(payload) B. #["The payload is: " ++ payload] C. The payload is: #[payload] D. #["The payload is: " + payload] Answer: B

 A. The payload is: $(payload) 
B. #["The payload is: " ++ payload] 
C. The payload is: #[payload] 
D. #["The payload is: " + payload] 

Question # 6

According to MuleSoft. what is the first step to create a Modern API? 

A. Gather a list of requirements to secure the API 
B. Create an API specification and get feedback from stakeholders 
C. Performance tune and optimize the backend systems and network 
D. Create a prototype of the API implementation 

Question # 7

A company has an API to manage purchaseorders, with each record identified by a unique purchase order ID. The API was built with RAML according to MuleSoft best practices. What URI should a web client use to request order P05555?

A. /orders/{P05555} 
B. /orders/order=P05555
C. /orders?order=P05555
 D. /orders/P05555 

Question # 8

What execution model is used by For Each and Batch Job scopes? 

A. For Each is single-threaded and Batch Job is multi-threaded 
B. Both are single-threaded 
C. Both aremulti-threaded 
D. Batch Job is single-threaded and For Each Is multi-threaded 

Question # 9

A Mule flow has three Set Variable transformers. What global data structure can be used to access the variables? 

A. Mule event attributes 
B. Mule event message 
C. Mule application properties 
D. Mule event 

Question # 10

An app team is developing a mobile banking app. It took them two months to create their own APIs to access transaction information from a central database. The app team later found outthat another team had already built an API that accesses the transaction information they need.According to MuleSoft, what organization structure could have saved the app team two months of development time? 

A. Center of Excellence 
B. Center for Enablement 
C. MuleSoft Support Center 
D. Central API Review Board 

Question # 11

What path setting is required for an HTTP Listener endpoint to route all requests to an APIkit router? 

A. /(*) 
B. / 
C. /() 
D. /* 

Question # 12

To avoid hard-coding values, a flow uses some property placeholders and the corresponding values are stored in a configuration file. Where does the configuration file'slocation need to be specified in the Mule application?

A. The pom.xml file 
B. A global element 
C. The mule-art if act .json file D. a flow attribute Answer: B 
D. a flow attribute