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A report author wants to display Revenue and Quantity by Product line in one chart and use a combination chart. A bar chart is used for revenue and a line chart for quantity. While the bar chart is clear and easy to understand, the lines are almost missing and are different to read.What can be done to solve the problem?
A. Use a conditional scale.
B. Build two charts next to each other.
C. Map Quantity to a y axis with a different scale.
D. Multiply Quantity by 1000000 and set the scale to -6 to display.
A business manager wants to set the current Dashboard as the home page.Which mode allows this task?
A. Run
B. View
C. Priority
D. Review
How can a report author ensure that a report changes automatically when rotating a mobile device between Landscape and Portrait views?
A. Set all objects to Portraitviews
B. Set all report objects to Portrait aware.
C. Set the Mobile alignment property to Automatic.
D. Size the object as a percentage of the available space