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IAPP CIPT Exam Dumps

Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT)

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IAPP CIPT Sample Questions

Question # 1

Carol was a U.S.-based glassmaker who sold her work at art festivals. She kept thingssimple by only accepting cash and personal checks.As business grew, Carol couldn't keep up with demand, and traveling to festivals becameburdensome. Carol opened a small boutique and hired Sam to run it while she worked inthe studio. Sam was a natural salesperson, and business doubled. Carol told Sam, “I don'tknow what you are doing, but keep doing it!"But months later, the gift shop was in chaos. Carol realized that Sam needed help so shehired Jane, who had business expertise and could handle the back-office tasks. Sam wouldcontinue to focus on sales. Carol gave Jane a few weeks to get acquainted with the artisancraft business, and then scheduled a meeting for the three of them to discuss Jane's firstimpressions.At the meeting, Carol could not wait to hear Jane's thoughts, but she was unprepared forwhat Jane had to say. “Carol, I know that he doesn't realize it, but some of Sam’s efforts toincrease sales have put you in a vulnerable position. You are not protecting customers’personal information like you should.”Sam said, “I am protecting our information. I keep it in the safe with our bank deposit. It'sonly a list of customers’ names, addresses and phone numbers that I get from their checksbefore I deposit them. I contact them when you finish a piece that I think they would like.That's the only information I have! The only other thing I do is post photos and informationabout your work on the photo sharing site that I use with family and friends. I provide myemail address and people send me their information if they want to see more of your work.Posting online really helps sales, Carol. In fact, the only complaint I hear is about having tocome into the shop to make a purchase.”Carol replied, “Jane, that doesn’t sound so bad. Could you just fix things and help us topost even more online?"‘I can," said Jane. “But it's not quite that simple. I need to set up a new program to makesure that we follow the best practices in data management. And I am concerned for ourcustomers. They should be able to manage how we use their personal information. Wealso should develop a social media strategy.”Sam and Jane worked hard during the following year. One of the decisions they made wasto contract with an outside vendor to manage online sales. At the end of the year, Carolshared some exciting news. “Sam and Jane, you have done such a great job that one ofthe biggest names in the glass business wants to buy us out! And Jane, they want to talk toyou about merging all of our customer and vendor information with theirs beforehand."What type of principles would be the best guide for Jane's ideas regarding a new datamanagement program?

A. Collection limitation principles. 
B. Vendor management principles. 
C. Incident preparedness principles. 
D. Fair Information Practice Principles 

Question # 2

What is an Access Control List?

A. A list of steps necessary for an individual to access a resource. 
B. A list that indicates the type of permission granted to each individual. 
C. A list showing the resources that an individual has permission to access. 
D. A list of individuals who have had their access privileges to a resource revoked. 

Question # 3

What is the main reason the Do Not Track (DNT) header is not acknowledged by more companies?

A. Most web browsers incorporate the DNT feature. 
B. The financial penalties for violating DNT guidelines are too high. 
C. There is a lack of consensus about what the DNT header should mean. 
D. It has been difficult to solve the technological challenges surrounding DNT. 

Question # 4

SCENARIOKyle is a new security compliance manager who will be responsible for coordinating andexecuting controls to ensure compliance with the company's information security policy andindustry standards. Kyle is also new to the company, where collaboration is a core value.On his first day of new-hire orientation, Kyle's schedule included participating in meetingsand observing work in the IT and compliance departments.Kyle spent the morning in the IT department, where the CIO welcomed him and explainedthat her department was responsible for IT governance. The CIO and Kyle engaged in aconversation about the importance of identifying meaningful IT governance metrics.Following their conversation, the CIO introduced Kyle to Ted and Barney. Ted isimplementing a plan to encrypt data at the transportation level of the organization'swireless network. Kyle would need to get up to speed on the project and suggest ways tomonitor effectiveness once the implementation was complete. Barney explained that hisshort-term goals are to establish rules governing where data can be placed and to minimizethe use of offline data storage.Kyle spent the afternoon with Jill, a compliance specialist, and learned that she wasexploring an initiative for a compliance program to follow self-regulatory privacy principles.Thanks to a recent internship, Kyle had some experience in this area and knew where Jillcould find some support. Jill also shared results of the company’s privacy risk assessment,noting that the secondary use of personal information was considered a high risk.By the end of the day, Kyle was very excited about his new job and his new company. Infact, he learned about an open position for someone with strong qualifications andexperience with access privileges, project standards board approval processes, andapplication-level obligations, and couldn’t wait to recommend his friend Ben who would beperfect for the job.Which data practice is Barney most likely focused on improving?

A. Deletion 
B. Inventory. 
C. Retention. 
D. Sharing 

Question # 5

Which of the following is an example of the privacy risks associated with the Internet of Things (loT)?

A. A group of hackers infiltrate a power grid and cause a major blackout. 
B. An insurance company raises a person’s rates based on driving habits gathered from a connected car. 
C. A website stores a cookie on a user's hard drive so the website can recognize the user on subsequent visits. 
D. A water district fines an individual after a meter reading reveals excess water use during drought conditions. 

Question # 6

Which is NOT a way to validate a person's identity?

A. Swiping a smartcard into an electronic reader. 
B. Using a program that creates random passwords. 
C. Answering a question about "something you know”. 
D. Selecting a picture and tracing a unique pattern on it 

Question # 7

A user who owns a resource wants to give other individuals access to the resource. What control would apply?

A. Mandatory access control. 
B. Role-based access controls. 
C. Discretionary access control. 
D. Context of authority controls. 

Question # 8

What is true of providers of wireless technology?

A. They have the legal right in most countries to control and use any data on their systems. 
B. They can see all unencrypted data that crosses the system. 
C. They are typically exempt from data security regulations. 
D. They routinely backup data that crosses their system. 

Question # 9

What must be done to destroy data stored on "write once read many" (WORM) media?

A. The data must be made inaccessible by encryption. 
B. The erase function must be used to remove all data. 
C. The media must be physically destroyed. 
D. The media must be reformatted. 

Question # 10

Which of the following is an example of drone “swarming”?

A. A drone filming a cyclist from above as he rides. 
B. A drone flying over a building site to gather data. 
C. Drones delivering retailers’ packages to private homes. 
D. Drones communicating with each other to perform a search and rescue. 

Question # 11

Which of the following became a foundation for privacy principles and practices of countries and organizations across the globe?

A. The Personal Data Ordinance. 
B. The EU Data Protection Directive. 
C. The Code of Fair Information Practices. 
D. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Privacy Principles.