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What is RADIUS Change of Authorization (CoA)?
A. It allows ClearPass to transmit messages to the Network Attached Device/Network Attached Server (NAD/NAS) to modify a user's session status
B. It allows clients to issue a privilege escalation request to ClearPass using RADIUS to switch to TACACS+
C. It is a mechanism that enables ClearPass to assigned a User-Based Tunnel (UBT) between a switch and controller for Dynamic Segmentation
D. It forces the client to re-authenticate upon roaming to an access point controlled by a foreign mobility controller.
Which Authorization Source support device profile enforcement?
A. Local user Repository
B. Endpoint Repository
C. OnGuard Repository
D. Gust User Repository
An organization wants to have guests connect their own personal devices to the wireless network without requiring a receptionist setting up a guest account. Which ClearPass feature can be used to meet the organization's requirements?
A. Guest with self-registration
B. ClearPass Onboard
C. MAC authentication with profiling
D. Policy Manager Enforcement