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A customer needs a new infrastructure solution for its VMware vSphere environment.Is this a valid proposal to give the customer the benefits of cluster aware management with HPE OneView for vCenter (OV4VC)?HPE ProLiant DL servers with HPE ILO Advanced licenses
A. Yes
B. No
A customer needs a new infrastructure solution for its VMware vSphere environment.Is this a valid proposal to give the customer the benefits of cluster aware management with HPE OneView for vCenter (OV4VC)?HPE Synergy solution with Virtual Connect (VC) modules
A. Yes
B. No
Is this a reason that HPE Synergy is an ideal platform for containers?Synergy provides a container runtime embedded in the Synergy compute module firmware.
A. Yes
B. No
When a Docker container is run from an image on a Docker host, is this how the container is deployed?If the image is not stored locally on the host, the host contacts the registry, looks up a host that does have the image, and schedules the container to run on that host.
A. Yes
B. No