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Most of our customers choose Dumpsspot's LCP-001 study guide that contains questions and answers that help them to pass the exam on the first try. Out of them, many have passed the exam with a passing rate of 98% to 100% by just training online.
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Which of the following is the default XFree86 configuration file?
A. /usr/X11R6/etc/XF86Config
B. /var/X11/XF86Config
C. /etc/X11/XF86Config
D. /usr/etc/X11/XF86Config
All items are required to enable USB support on a Linux system EXCEPT.
A. A kernel that has USB driver support
B. A USB 2.0 compatible device
C. A supported controller chip such as DHCI, UHCI, or EHCI
D. A kernel that supports hot-pluggable devices
Which of the following commands will find the string foo in the file filel.txt, regardless of foo being in upper or lowercase letters?
A. cat file1.txt | grep -i foo
B. cat file1.txt > grep -n foo
C. grep -i foo | file1.txt
D. grep -n file1.txt < foo
E. grep -n foo file1.txt
Which directory contains additional information about installed packages?
A. /usr/share/documentation
B. /usr/local/share/documentation
C. /usr/local/doc
D. /usr/share/doc
E. /usr/packages/doc
Which command will show you the contents of a gzip compressed tar archive?
A. gzip archive.tgz | tar xvf -
B. tar ztf archive.tgz
C. gzip -d archive.tgz | tar tvf -
D. tar cf archive.tgz