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Which two protocols are used to enable administrator access of a FortiGate device? (Choose two.)
D. FortiTelemetry
Which Security rating scorecard helps identify configuration weakness and best practice violations in your network?
A. Fabric Coverage
B. Automated Response
C. Security Posture
D. Optimization
An administrator Is configuring an IPsec VPN between site A and site B. The Remote Gateway setting in both sites has been configured as Static IP Address. For site A. the local quick mode selector is and the remote quick mode selector is subnet must the administrator configure for the local quick mode selector for site B?
A FortiGate is operating in NAT mode and configured with two virtual LAN (VLAN) sub interfaces added to the physical interface.Which statements about the VLAN sub interfaces can have the same VLAN ID, only if they have IP addresses in different subnets.
A. The two VLAN sub interfaces can have the same VLAN ID, only if they have IP
addresses in different subnets.
B. The two VLAN sub interfaces must have different VLAN IDs
C. The two VLAN sub interfaces can have the same VLAN ID, only if they belong to
different VDOMs
D. The two VLAN sub interfaces can have the same VLAN ID, only if they have IP
addresses in the same subnet.
How does FortiGate act when using SSL VPN in web mode?
A. FortiGate acts as an FDS server.
B. FortiGate acts as an HTTP reverse proxy.
C. FortiGate acts as DNS server.
D. FortiGate acts as router.
Which statement about the policy ID number of a firewall policy is true?
A. It is required to modify a firewall policy using the CLI.
B. It represents the number of objects used in the firewall policy.
C. It changes when firewall policies are reordered.
D. It defines the order in which rules are processed.
What inspection mode does FortiGate use if it is configured as a policy-based nextgeneration firewall (NGFW)?
A. Full Content inspection
B. Proxy-based inspection
C. Certificate inspection
D. Flow-based inspection
FortiGate is configured as a policy-based next-generation firewall (NGFW) and is applying web filtering and application control directly on the security policy.Which two other security profiles can you apply to the security policy? (Choose two.)
A. Antivirus scanning
B. File filter
C. DNS filter
D. Intrusion prevention