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CyberArk CAU201 Exam Dumps

CyberArk Defender - PAM

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Total Questions : 176
Update Date : October 01, 2024
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CAU201 Dumps

Dumpsspot offers the best CAU201 exam dumps that comes with 100% valid questions and answers. With the help of our trained team of professionals, the CAU201 Dumps PDF carries the highest quality. Our course pack is affordable and guarantees a 98% to 100% passing rate for exam. Our CAU201 test questions are specially designed for people who want to pass the exam in a very short time.

Most of our customers choose Dumpsspot's CAU201 study guide that contains questions and answers that help them to pass the exam on the first try. Out of them, many have passed the exam with a passing rate of 98% to 100% by just training online.

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CyberArk CAU201 Sample Questions

Question # 1

A user has successfully conducted a short PSM session and logged off. However, the usercannot access the Monitoring tab to view the recordings.What is the issue?

A. The user must login as PSMAdminConnect 
B. The PSM service is not running 
C. The user is not a member of the PVWAMonitor group 
D. The user is not a member of the Auditors group 

Question # 2

When creating an onboarding rule, it will be executed upon .

A. All accounts in the pending accounts list 
B. Any future accounts discovered by a discovery process 
C. Both “All accounts in the pending accounts list” and “Any future accounts discovered bya discovery process” 

Question # 3

All of your Unix root passwords are stored in the safe UnixRoot. Dual control is enabled forsome of the accounts in that safe. The members of the AD group UnixAdmins need to beable to use the show, copy, and connect buttons on those passwords at any time withoutconfirmation. The members of the AD group Operations Staff need to be able to use theshow, copy and connect buttons on those passwords on an emergency basis, but only withthe approval of a member of Operations Managers never need to be able to use the show,copy or connect buttons themselves.Which safe permission do you need to grant Operations Staff? Check all that apply.

A. Use Accounts 
B. Retrieve Accounts 
C. Authorize Password Requests 
D. Access Safe without Authorization 

Question # 4

A user with administrative privileges to the vault can only grant other users privileges thathe himself has.


Question # 5

As long as you are a member of the Vault Admins group you can grant any permission onany safe.


Question # 6

The System safe allows access to the Vault configuration files.


Question # 7

When a group is granted the 'Authorize Account Requests' permission on a safe DualControl requests must be approved by

A. Any one person from that group 
B. Every person from that group 
C. The number of persons specified by the Master Policy 
D. That access cannot be granted to groups 

Question # 8

Which parameter controls how often the CPM looks for Soon-to-be-expired Passwords thatneed to be changed.

A. HeadStartInterval 
B. Interval 
C. ImmediateInterval 
D. The CPM does not change the password under this circumstance 

Question # 9

Which one the following reports is NOT generated by using the PVWA?

A. Accounts Inventory 
B. Application Inventory 
C. Sales List 
D. Convince Status