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A security architect was asked to modify an existing internal network design to accommodate the following requirements for RDP:• Enforce MFA for RDP• Ensure RDP connections are only allowed with secure ciphers. The existing network is extremely complex and not well segmented. Because of these limitations, the company has requested that the connections not be restricted by networklevel firewalls Of ACLs.Which of the following should the security architect recommend to meet these requirements?
A. Implement a reverse proxy for remote desktop with a secure cipher configuration
B. Implement a bastion host with a secure cipher configuration enforced.
C. Implement a remote desktop gateway server, enforce secure ciphers, and configure to
use OTP
D. Implement a GPO that enforces TLS cipher suites and limits remote desktop access to
only VPN users.
A company’s SOC has received threat intelligence about an active campaign utilizing a specific vulnerability. The company would like to determine whether it is vulnerable to this active campaign.Which of the following should the company use to make this determination?
A. Threat hunting
B. A system penetration test
C. Log analysis within the SIEM tool
D. The Cyber Kill Chain
A review of the past year’s attack patterns shows that attackers stopped reconnaissance after finding a susceptible system to compromise. The company would like to find a way to use this information to protect the environment while still gaining valuable attack information. Which of the following would be BEST for the company to implement?
D. A honeypot
An attacker infiltrated an electricity-generation site and disabled the safety instrumented system. Ransomware was also deployed on the engineering workstation. The environment has back-to-back firewalls separating the corporate and OT systems. Which of the following is the MOST likely security consequence of this attack?
A. A turbine would overheat and cause physical harm.
B. The engineers would need to go to the historian.
C. The SCADA equipment could not be maintained.
D. Data would be exfiltrated through the data diodes.
A company's Chief Information Officer wants to Implement IDS software onto the current system's architecture to provide an additional layer of security. The software must be able to monitor system activity, provide Information on attempted attacks, and provide analysis of malicious activities to determine the processes or users Involved. Which of the following would provide this information?
A small business would like to provide guests who are using mobile devices encrypted WPA3 access without first distributing PSKs or other credentials. Which of the following features will enable the business to meet this objective?
A. Simultaneous Authentication of Equals
B. Enhanced open
C. Perfect forward secrecy
D. Extensible Authentication Protocol
A company publishes several APIs for customers and is required to use keys to segregate customer data sets. Which of the following would be BEST to use to store customer keys?
A. A trusted platform module
B. A hardware security module
C. A localized key store
D. A public key infrastructure
A security compliance requirement states that specific environments that handle sensitive data must be protected by need-to-know restrictions and can only connect to authorized endpoints. The requirement also states that a DLP solution within the environment must be used to control the data from leaving the environment.Which of the following should be implemented for privileged users so they can support the environment from their workstations while remaining compliant?
A. NAC to control authorized endpoints
B. FIM on the servers storing the data
C. A jump box in the screened subnet
D. A general VPN solution to the primary network
A security architect is tasked with scoping a penetration test that will start next month. The architect wants to define what security controls will be impacted. Which of the following would be the BEST document to consult?
A. Rules of engagement
B. Master service agreement
C. Statement of work
D. Target audience
During a system penetration test, a security engineer successfully gained access to a shell on a Linux host as a standard user and wants to elevate the privilege levels.Which of the following is a valid Linux post-exploitation method to use to accomplish this goal?
A. Spawn a shell using sudo and an escape string such as sudo vim -c ‘!sh’.
B. Perform ASIC password cracking on the host.
C. Read the /etc/passwd file to extract the usernames.
D. Initiate unquoted service path exploits.
E. Use the UNION operator to extract the database schema.
A company undergoing digital transformation is reviewing the resiliency of a CSP and is concerned about meeting SLA requirements in the event of a CSP incident.Which of the following would be BEST to proceed with the transformation?
A. An on-premises solution as a backup
B. A load balancer with a round-robin configuration
C. A multicloud provider solution
D. An active-active solution within the same tenant
A home automation company just purchased and installed tools for its SOC to enable incident identification and response on software the company develops. The company would like to prioritize defenses against the following attack scenarios: Unauthorized insertions into application development environmentsAuthorized insiders making unauthorized changes to environment configurations Which of the following actions will enable the data feeds needed to detect these types of attacks on development environments? (Choose two.)
A. Perform static code analysis of committed code and generate summary reports.
B. Implement an XML gateway and monitor for policy violations.
C. Monitor dependency management tools and report on susceptible third-party libraries.
D. Install an IDS on the development subnet and passively monitor for vulnerable services.
E. Model user behavior and monitor for deviations from normal.
F. Continuously monitor code commits to repositories and generate summary logs.
A financial institution has several that currently employ the following controls:* The severs follow a monthly patching cycle. * All changes must go through a change management process. * Developers and systems administrators must log into a jumpbox to access the servers hosting the data using two-factor authentication.* The servers are on an isolated VLAN and cannot be directly accessed from the internal production network.An outage recently occurred and lasted several days due to an upgrade that circumvented the approval process. Once the security team discovered an unauthorized patch was installed, they were able to resume operations within an hour. Which of the following should the security administrator recommend to reduce the time to resolution if a similar incident occurs in the future?
A. Require more than one approver for all change management requests.
B. Implement file integrity monitoring with automated alerts on the servers.
C. Disable automatic patch update capabilities on the servers
D. Enhanced audit logging on the jump servers and ship the logs to the SIEM.
As part of the customer registration process to access a new bank account, customers are required to upload a number of documents, including their passports and driver’s licenses. The process also requires customers to take a current photo of themselves to be compared against provided documentation.Which of the following BEST describes this process?
A. Deepfake
B. Know your customer
C. Identity proofing
D. Passwordless
Technicians have determined that the current server hardware is outdated, so they have decided to throw it out.Prior to disposal, which of the following is the BEST method to use to ensure no data remnants can be recovered?
A. Drive wiping
B. Degaussing
C. Purging
D. Physical destruction
Company A is establishing a contractual with Company B. The terms of the agreement are formalized in a document covering the payment terms, limitation of liability, and intellectual property rights. Which of the following documents will MOST likely contain these elements
A. Company A-B SLA v2.docx
B. Company A OLA v1b.docx
C. Company A MSA v3.docx
D. Company A MOU v1.docx
E. Company A-B NDA v03.docx
A developer wants to maintain integrity to each module of a program and ensure the code cannot be altered by malicious users.Which of the following would be BEST for the developer to perform? (Choose two.)
A. Utilize code signing by a trusted third party.
B. Implement certificate-based authentication.
C. Verify MD5 hashes.
D. Compress the program with a password.
E. Encrypt with 3DES.
F. Make the DACL read-only.
A company’s claims processed department has a mobile workforce that receives a large number of email submissions from personal email addresses. An employees recently received an email that approved to be claim form, but it installed malicious software on the employee’s laptop when was opened.
A. Impalement application whitelisting and add only the email client to the whitelist for
laptop in the claims processing department.
B. Required all laptops to connect to the VPN before accessing email.
C. Implement cloud-based content filtering with sandboxing capabilities.
D. Install a mail gateway to scan incoming messages and strip attachments before they
reach the mailbox.
A security architect needs to implement a CASB solution for an organization with a highly distributed remote workforce. One Of the requirements forthe implementation includes the capability to discover SaaS applications and block access to those that are unapproved or identified as risky. Which of the following would BEST achieve this objective?
A. Deploy endpoint agents that monitor local web traffic to enforce DLP and encryption
B. Implement cloud infrastructure to proxy all user web traffic to enforce DI-P and
encryption policies.
C. Implement cloud infrastructure to proxy all user web traffic and control access according
to centralized policy.
D. Deploy endpoint agents that monitor local web traffic and control access according to
centralized policy.
A business wants to migrate its workloads from an exclusively on-premises IT infrastructure to the cloud but cannot implement all the required controls. Which of the following BEST describes the risk associated with this implementation?
A. Loss of governance
B. Vendor lockout
C. Compliance risk
D. Vendor lock-in
A networking team was asked to provide secure remote access to all company employees. The team decided to use client-to-site VPN as a solution. During a discussion, the Chief Information Security Officer raised a security concern and asked the networking team to route the Internet traffic of remote users through the main office infrastructure. Doing this would prevent remote users from accessing the Internet through their local networks while connected to the VPN.Which of the following solutions does this describe?
A. Full tunneling
B. Asymmetric routing
C. SSH tunneling
D. Split tunneling
A security engineer needs to recommend a solution that will meet the following requirements:Identify sensitive data in the provider’s networkMaintain compliance with company and regulatory guidelines Detect and respond to insider threats, privileged user threats, and compromised accounts Enforce datacentric security, such as encryption, tokenization, and access control Which of the following solutions should the security engineer recommend to address these requirements?